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Achieving Goals Business Management Motivation

4 Reasons You Are Hiding From Your Goals

waves of the sea on the beach that erase the year 2013You have 70 days left before the start of 2014!

Are you thinking the same thing that many other Virtual Assistants are thinking; ‘Where did the time go?’ The year 2013 is almost gone, a wrap, over, FINITO! How do you feel about your goals for this year? Are you beaming with excitement because you have accomplished a large portion of them? Or, are you avoiding the area where you have posted those goals. You know the feeling of being afraid to review your goals because you think that they will fully understand how you have ignored them for so long.

That is understandable. We all have been there before! So, instead of being scared of those goals, we will discuss 4 reasons why you are hiding from them. Let’s put it out there. Recognize and acknowledge the reasons so that you can overcome them in the future

Reason #1 Procrastination

For some presumably good reason, you decided to delay getting started on a particular objective. Maybe in your mind it was a bit too overwhelming to tackle. Or, you thought that the goal was so easy to reach, that you could start on it at any time and finish it at your leisure. However, there are fewer than 70 days left in the year and you haven’t even started working toward the goal.

Reason #2 They Got Lost and Forgotten

In January, many people start the year with gusto! They are excited that the previous chapter is closed and look forward to new horizons. But, something happens in the middle of the year that causes some to lose track of their goals. The problem could be that the goals were not placed front and center where the person could review them ever single day.

Repetition is the mother of retention. If you misplace your goals, they are likely to be forgotten. If you happen to relocate them around July or August, they become a source of stress and you might try to act as if you didn’t see them. Yep, you hide!

Reason #3 You Are Afraid Of Failure

Fear of failure is a major deterrent from almost most anything. Some people refrain from setting goals because they automatically thing that they will not be able to accomplish them. THAT, my friend, is a huge mental block. Ask yourself, “Am I afraid of failure?” The best way to answer that is to review your current goals to see how close you are to achieving them. If you haven’t set any for yourself, you may have your answer!

Reason #4 You Are Afraid of Success

Being afraid of success sounds silly, right? I mean, who in their right mind would NOT want to succeed in life? Believe me, they are out there. This too, is a mental roadblock. Some may feel that if they have a successful business, then they won’t have enough time to spend with their family. Or, the reason may be that it will overload them with more work. The unknown of success could possibly induce a dread that will demotivate a person from pressing forward and accomplishing their objective.

The Remedy

There is one way to ensure that you never hide from your goals, ever again. You must, and I truly mean MUST set goals that are both compelling and exciting! Your ambition should be the reason you get out of the bed in the morning. You start your day looking forward to completing another step and drawing closer to your objective.

If your goals are dull and meaningless, there will be no need for you to accomplish them. It is like starting a road trip with a quarter tank of gas and no means of refueling the tank. You need a BIG WHY for every goal that you set. This will energize your work and keep you focus on the exciting prospects of bringing them to fruition. If you are hiding from the goals that you have set for this year, be cool with that. Acknowledge them and re-analyze them to see if they stimulate you. Post your goals in a place where you can see them ever single day. Make progress towards them daily. Then, you will never hide from your goals again!

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