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Save Time and Energy by Using an Online Scheduling Tool

Hands down, one of the most time consuming tasks in any business is scheduling meetings.  First, you have to figure out what time you have available to meet, then you propose a time only to find out that the other person has a conflict.

Save TimeThen… the barrage of emails starts. The other person proposes other times; you respond back, they email to confirm…you know this scenario, right?

Quite frankly, this is a waste of everyone’s time.  But, there is an online solution that will save you time and energy scheduling meetings.  And best of all, it’s FREE!

There is an online service you can use called Tungle, and you can find the service at http://www.Tungle.com.   This free online service offers many features that are perfect for a virtual assistant or small business owner. 

Some of the features include:

  1. Personalized URL so that people can see your calendar and find out when you’re available.  Your URL is unique based on your name, like http://www.Tungle.Me/YourName and you can post it in your signature lines for emails, on your website, social network profiles, etc.
  2. Ability to customize your calendar every day of the week – block out times you are not available so that no one will try to schedule a meeting with you during that time. 
  3. Converts time zones – perfect feature when working virtually!  You set your calendar to your time zone, and the other person sees your calendar in their time zone (by changing the view) so there’s no confusion of 1 PM "my time" or "your time".
  4. Synchronize your calendar with Google, Microsoft Outlook and Lotus Notes 8.0.2 FC4 (and above)
  5. Propose a meeting time and invite participants – Plan a meeting and send an email to all participants to confirm.  You will receive an email for each person and whether they "accepted" the meeting or "declined" it.

You can also personalize your profile to include your picture, business, email address, website and social network profiles to make sure everything is linked together.

For a free service, this is pretty robust and offers many of the same features that the paid online scheduling services offer.  But more importantly, this saves you time by avoiding the back and forth emails and the headaches that come with it.  Additionally, this gives you another layer of professionalism.  By having an online scheduling service, it demonstrates to potential clients that you are serious about your business, you care about their time and their needs and you are organized. 

Efficiency and organization go a long way in validating your professionalism and trustworthiness.  No one wants to hire a virtual assistant (or any business owner for that matter) who is unorganized because that is a good indication of how they will handle your business.  Things get missed when you’re not organized. 

So, take the next step to working more efficiently and effectively by using an online scheduling tool. Your email inbox and clients will thank you for being proactive!

Have you had success with an online scheduling tool?  Share your thoughts and comments with me by posting a comment here on the blog!

Mindset Organization Time Management Virtual Assistant

Create a Work Schedule That Gives You Time to Play

Starting your own home based Virtual Assistant business is a decision that involves a lot of thought and preparation. One of the biggest “perks” that comes with working for yourself and from home is having a flexible schedule.   However, that flexibility can become a liability if you don’t manage it well.

One common pitfall I see VA’s struggling with is the tendency to “multi-task“.  While you may think you can get more done, multi-tasking can truly be a detriment to your business and personal life.  It’s so easy to think you can do a load of laundry while you’re working on a website, and then take a break to fold the laundry and come back to the website when you’re done. While this may seem harmless, it actually is making you less efficient in your work as a Virtual Assistant and your housework (or whatever the other activity may be).  As a Virtual Assistant, it is important to create a work schedule for your clients’ benefit…and yours.

A key to creating a work schedule and maximizing your time is called “batching”. Batching refers to setting aside a specific block of time to handle similar tasks.  So, say for example you have 3 clients and all of them need you to do some phone work.  You might be making phone calls to clients, checking on insurance rates or whatever.  The important thing here though is to do all the phone calls at once.  By blocking out 2 hours in your day to do all the phone calls, you are focusing on just being on the phone and completing the project.  Even though you will need to track the time spent on the phone for each client so you can allocate the time appropriately, you are still being more efficient by doing all the phone calls at one time. If you were to make a phone call here and there throughout the week, the project would take much longer.

By batching your tasks, you become much more efficient which can free up time for you later in the day to do other client work, or take (some well-deserved) time off.  This technique works with virtually all tasks that you do:  bookkeeping, reading emails, transcribing files, client projects, etc.  You can even batch clients individually, rather than by task.  What this means is that maybe you designate each day of the week to a particular client and do everything in that day for them.  You’ll have to test this method out to see if it works out for you (and the client), but it can be a really effective way of getting projects done.

Another important thing to remember to schedule in your day is breaks. We all need a mental break throughout the day to ensure we’re on top of our game.  So maybe you find that you can work for a solid 2 hours before your mind starts to wander.  Then make sure you schedule your day in 2 hour batches with a 15 minute break to get something to drink, take a brief walk or just rest your brain.

By taking the time to outline your schedule and establish how you’ll get work done, you are setting yourself up for business and personal success.  You’ll have a clear “start” and “end” time for your business and family time.  This gives you the ability to make the time for doing housework (YUCK!) and of course enjoying your family time each day.  By focusing on one project at a time, you are also giving your full attention to the task at hand.  This is very important to completing clients’ projects, but also to your family who notices when you’re “distracted” by work.

What type of work schedules do you use?  How do you batch your day?  Please share your techniques with us so we can learn from each other and hopefully help someone improve their work and life balance!

Organization Time Management Virtual Assistant

Savvy Systems Means More Pro.fits

Savvy Virtual Assistants setup and implement systems to run their business.  Using systems consistently will allow you to work as effectively and efficiently as possible.  The more you can systemize, the more you can monetize!

Systems are the key to your business organization.  It’s a way to ensure that you create consistent high-quality results in everything you do.  This includes bookkeeping, communication, administrative,  client support and marketing.  Whether you realize it or not, you probably already have a system in place for all of these things, you just haven’t gone through the process of actually documenting them.

Documentation is the key to helping you streamline your processes so that you get better at doing things more quickly.  Once you document your processes for how you handle different tasks, you’ll begin to see how you can either automate them or outsource them.   This will free up time for you to spend on the two most important things:  client work and marketing your business. Continue Reading>>

Business Management Finances Time Management Virtual Assistant

Use Accounting Systems to Streamline Your Finances

Dealing with the accounting aspect of your business is a necessary “evil” of being an entrepreneur.  Whether or not you are a “numbers” person, keeping accurate records, billing your clients and paying your taxes are tasks that you will need to handle regularly in order to stay profitable.

These weekly processes can be simple if you set up a system to handle them.  What is a system? It is simply a matter of documentation.  A system is documenting the steps you take to complete a task. For example, when you get ready to bill your clients each month, you may tally up the hours/tasks you completed for them, compile a report, prepare an invoice and bill their credit card.  What else do you do?  What software do you use to track your time? Do you have a format for the monthly report?  How do you prepare invoices? What steps do you take to bill their credit card?  If you have systems for billing, you will accomplish this monthly task in a matter of minutes.  If no systems are in place, it could result in hours of wasted time and much frustration.  (You could be using that time to make more money in your business or take a well-deserved break).

Here are a few tips on creating systems around your monthly financial tasks that will save you precious time, money and sanity:
Continue Reading>>

Business Management Time Management Transition Virtual Assistant

Transition from the Corporate Office to Your Office

Aspiring entrepreneurs dream of the time when they can tell the boss “See Ya!” and start working in their PJs. Working from home is definitely a relief from the commute, stress and politics of the office. You have your freedom to call the shots and do things your own way.     Continue Reading>>

Time Management

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