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Marketing Mindset

How to Eliminate Your Fear of Marketing and Get Results

Most VA’s start their business because they want more freedom, more flexibility, and more opportunity to utilize their skills to make a difference in the lives of others.  Those are great reasons to start a Virtual Assistant business!

Unfortunately, it often happens that once you start your business, you quickly realize that you are actually in the business of marketing. After all, you won’t have a sustainable business without clients. And to attract ideal clients you MUST market!

Concerned WomanARRRGGG! M-A-R-K-E-T….

For some Virtual Assistants, just hearing this word creates an instant frown. Perhaps you have thought, “I don’t want to market…. I just want to do my work!’”

I know that this thought has crossed your mind at one time or another, because when I was a VA it certainly crossed mine. When I first started my business as a Virtual Marketing Assistant, all I wanted was to work comfortably in my cozy little home office and for people to send me checks. It never really occurred to me that I’d have to actually get out there and sell my services…I just expected clients to show up knocking on my door.

Perhaps you can relate. Some VAs who have an aversion to marketing feel that way because to them, marketing represents something pushy, sales-y, and difficult. In the back of their mind their thinking “used car salesman” and that is not who they want to be.

I get it!

The good news is that marketing your VA business doesn’t have to feel that way, and you don’t have to be afraid of marketing. It can actually be … (gasp) FUN!

The thing is… marketing is simply a matter of sharing solutions in an appealing way with people who are already looking for them.

I’m going to say that one more time; marketing is simply a matter of sharing solutions in an appealing way with people who are already looking for them. So there is absolutely nothing to be afraid of. There are countless entrepreneurs who right now are desperate for help in running their business and in need of the exact services you offer. It’s effective marketing that will allow you to connect with these individuals, present your solutions and enroll them as your clients.

Following are a few proven tips to help you overcome the fear of marketing:

  1. Stop worrying about what other people think of you – You may be surprised to know, they really aren’t as concerned about you as you think they are. Instead of worrying about what they think, channel that energy into generously sharing your expertise with those who need your help.
  2. Get very clear about what it is you actually do for your clients.  Don’t label yourself as a Virtual Assistant.  Instead, focus on the benefits and results you create for your clients.  Doing so will make it much easier for you to talk about what you do (and make you much more attractive to ideal prospects)!
  3. Take action in spite of your fears!  Many times, we allow limiting beliefs, doubts, and fears to hold us back only to find out months (or even years) down the line that the very thing we were worried about – had absolutely no basis.  So, don’t stand in your own way and hold yourself back.   Take steps to move forward in consistently growing and marketing your business.  Highly successful entrepreneur Kevin Nations says, “Winners take imperfect action!”  Your efforts do not have to be perfect, but consistent action will take you a VERY long way.
  4. Reach out for support!  No one who is successful in life or business has done it on their own.  We all need a support system, a place to bounce ideas and get reassurance that “it’s going to be OK”.  Start surrounding yourself with individuals who believe in you and want you to succeed.  Hire a coach to help keep you accountable and to help you strategize.  Don’t be afraid to ask for help!

Internet MarketingRemember, marketing is simply a matter of sharing solutions in an appealing way with people who are already looking for them.  There are countless people right now looking for the very solutions you have to offer.  It’s your duty to share your expertise and service.  Allow marketing to be your vehicle to doing so!

Which of the strategies shared here will you implement in your business?  Share your thoughts and your plan here on my blog!

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