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How to Grow a Successful Virtual Assistant Business

Getting your Virtual Assistant business off the ground is a MAJOR accomplishment! If you already done so, congratulations and welcome to the ranks! And if you thinking about it or getting ready to take the leap, just DO it!

Once you’re up and running, you’ll want to focus your attention on making smart decisions and running an efficient, productive business. Today’s article offers three tips on how to grow a successful Virtual Assistant business:

1. Understand Your Numbers

How closely do you track your expenses each month? Is your cell phone plan more than you need? When is the last time you asked your telephone company about any discounts or promotions they are offering? Are you paying for other services you don’t really need? Investing money back into your business is great, but make sure you aren’t losing revenue by wasting money on products or services that you don’t really need. Take a look at your profit & loss statements for the last 3-6 months. Which customers or products have been most profitable? Which products or services are actually costing you money? Don’t wait until the end of the year or tax time to review your financial reports. Schedule time each month to review your reports so that you can on top of developing trends and make the necessary adjustments.

2. Stop Networking and Start Connecting
No matter what your profession or industry, as a small business owner you will find yourself constantly marketing your business and looking for new opportunities. As you meet various people at networking events, seminars, business meetings or otherwise in your daily activities, seek out opportunities to learn about what other people do. Make that your focus. When you ask someone “what do you do?” be genuinely interested in their response. Better yet, instead of thinking about how they can help you, consider how you can help them. Do you have a friend or a colleague that would be a great connection for them? Perhaps you have a recommendation for a vendor that could solve a problem they are having. Look to build connections and assist others instead of fulfilling your own needs. You’ll be surprised at the opportunities that come your way.

3. Don’t Stop Learning!
Set aside a specific budget of time and money to regularly invest in your personal and professional development. If you want to be considered as an expert in your field, you cannot become stagnant and rest on the knowledge you already have. You must constantly be working hard to stay abreast of changing trends. Make it your business to keep up with new books, ezines, and blogs, attend seminars and classes and know who the major players are in your industry. Staying current will help to position you as an expert and expose you to countless opportunities for learning, networking and collaborating with your colleagues. You will continue to find ways to add value to the lives of your clients and have a wealth of knowledge to translate into new products and services.

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