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Achieving Goals Mindset Organization

Overcome Two Common Challenges To Succeeding As A Virtual Assistant

Life is riddled with challenges. There are roadblocks to becoming a successful parent or spouse. There are certain difficulties that hinder strong friendships and family ties. There are challenges to remaining financially, emotionally, physically and spiritually healthy. Therefore, whether you have a job or run your own company, you will meet obstacles. The key that unlocks the door to personal success is knowing how to meet and defeat challenges. What might prevent you from attaining victory in your Virtual Assistant practice?

Overcoming Fear

What fears do you hold close to your heart? There are some fears that we tend to plant and cultivate. Fear is natural and normal to experience. It is a mechanism employed by the subconscious mind that attempts to keep us safe and out of harm’s way. This fear prevents us from making unwise decisions, but can also prevent us from embarking on new endeavors. That is why red flags and bells go off in our mind when we step outside of our comfort zone. That is why your palms get sweaty and you start to get the jitters when you reach the edge of your comfort zone.

This is the perfect time to host a conversation with your fear. Ask your fear, "What is the worst that can happen?" Ask too, "Why do you want to hold me back from trying this new endeavor?" (This is actually a conversation with yourself that acknowledges the fear you are experiencing). Fear is appropriate. That is why it is so important to engage it and analyze it. Efforts to suppress it are counterproductive.

What fears do you have with regards to running your very own successful virtual assistance company? Are you fearful that you may not acquire clients and have enough income? You might be concerned healthcare and retirement plans. You may have several fears that are trying to keep you "safe". This is good news! Acknowledge, analyze and confront every fear that you have. Start by writing them down. Then have a conversation with them one by one. This will allow your mind to open up to the many solutions that are available.

Defeat Overwhelm

One of your fears may be that of getting overwhelmed. You know that you are great at the work you do. That is why you desire to be in business for yourself. "But, there is so much responsibility and work that is involved in being an entrepreneur," you say. That is true!

What can prevent and/or rescue you from overwhelm? It is necessary to implement systems into your business. A system is a structured method to run every aspect of you business. If you have to re-invent the wheel every time you do filing, billing or even turning a prospect into a client, this will lead to overwhelm and discouragement. Let’s analyze the example of enrolling a new client. Do you have a system for transforming new contacts into prospects and prospects into paying clients?

Here is a simple method:

  1. Meet a new contact
  2. Conversation leads to business interest
  3. Collect contact information
  4. Contact is now a prospect
  5. Follow up with prospect (card or phone call)
  6. Schedule a business call
  7. Have prospect fill out an assessment form
  8. Prepare for business call using the assessment form
  9. Business call is progressing wellY
  10. ou decide you would like to work with prospect
  11. Move into sales conversation
  12. Prospect now becomes a client or a contact to follow up with later
  13. [here is where you complete the process for your new clients and former prospects]

After running your systems a few times it will become second nature. You should implement a system for every segment of your business so that your work can become BRAINLESS. This takes less energy defeats overwhelm and saves time. Which means you make AND save more mo.ney.  Write out each of your systems for quick future reference and you’ll find yourself making faster progress than ever before.

Overcoming fear and overwhelm is not necessarily easy. It is, rather, a process of becoming familiar with your way of thinking and performing.  And it requires a shift in your mindset.  If you want different results, you need to have different behavior.  We all are a work in progress. Wouldn’t you like to make your work a lot easier on yourself and become a successful Virtual Assistant?  You can do so by defeating fear and overwhelm.

Action Steps For This Week:

  1. Identify the fears that stump your business growth.Write down your fears and have a conversation with them.
  2. Pick two aspects of your business to create systems for and complete by next week.
  3. Share your fears and your systems by commenting on the blog.

Mindset Virtual Assistant

When to Say “NO” to a Prospective Client

Worried Young Business WomanInterviewing a potential client is more than just assessing their needs, business opportunities and strengths.  It’s much more about YOU and if the two of you can work well together.  Identifying a great potential client starts with the interview process.

But how do you know if the new potential client is "the one"?  How can you be sure that the relationship will go smoothly and you are a good fit?

Unfortunately, there’s no absolute way to determine this.  However, there are some warning signs you should look for to minimize disappointment and needless frustration

  1. Listen to your gut – As hard as it may seem to accept this advice, deep down you know it’s true.  You will have an immediate reaction to a potential client based on the tone of their email, the tone of their voice on the phone call, their questions, anecdotes and requests.  If you get a feeling in the pit of your stomach that working with this client will be difficult or messy don’t ignore it and take the opportunity now to walk away.  It can save you a lot of stress, frustration and time.  And you are really serving the client by leaving them free to find the perfect VA for them.  TRUST ME…If you ignore your feelings, it will come back to bite you…EVERY single time.
  2. Analyze your current clientele – Think about your current (or past) clients that you really enjoyed working with and even the ones you didn’t.  Taking the time to identify the traits you really like in a client, and the ones you don’t will go a long way in helping you identify your next ideal client.  That way you can compare a prospective client to those clients (or even employers) you’ve worked with in the past to see if the two of you working together make a great fit.  For example, if you love working with Harry and he has a great sense of humor, then that’s a quality you can look for in a prospective client.  Remember, working with your ideal client is about much more than just the work. It’s about the relationship and rapport you have with each other that makes it feel more like playing than working.
  3. Determine "red-flag" behaviors – it is absolutely OK to refuse to work with someone who exhibits behaviors you will not tolerate.  As a matter of fact, it’s more than OK, it’s your right as a business owner.  Take the time to identify these behaviors early so that you know what to watch for.  Is it someone who sees and treats you as a subordinate employee rather than a like-minded business owner on the same level?  Is it someone who speaks disrespectfully?  Or perhaps they try to negotiate your fee and tell you what your time is worth?  Whatever your "deal breakers" are, if you see them come up with a prospective client just say NO!  Do not put yourself in the position to compromise your standards or self-esteem to work with someone who doesn’t deserve to work with you. 

While you may think that saying "no" to a potential client can be challenging and difficult, think about it this way:  it’s much more difficult to end the business relationship when things don’t go smoothly.  Take the stance from the beginning and nip it in the bud before you even have to go down that road.   The money is not worth the stress and anxiety that can come from working with someone who isn’t a great fit for your business. Additionally, you will not enjoy your work and not put forth your best effort which undermines your professionalism for future clients.

What other warning signs do you look for when interviewing a potential client?  Please post your comments and experiences on the blog so we can continue this discussion! 

Achieving Goals Mindset Virtual Assistant

Believe In Yourself… Or No One Else Will

Throughout the many Virtual Assistant communities that I belong to, I often see a LOT of untapped potential.  I see aspiring, new and even established VAs who have the potential to command top dollar for their work, to create businesses that truly give them the flexible schedule they crave and to ONLY work with clients who respect them and value their contributions.  I see this in them, but many times, they just can’t see it for themselves.

“WHY?” you may ask?

It’s because they don’t believe in themselves.  Perhaps they doubt their worth or don’t believe they can truly succeed.  Perhaps they are used to bosses, HR departments and companies that look down on them.  Perhaps they have limiting beliefs (i.e. "I can’t charge that much" or "I can never be as good as …) and just don’t see the abundance of opportunity that is available.

In the corporate world, Administrative Professionals are not often given the opportunity to create their own success.  When I was a corporate Executive Assistant I certainly did not have the opportunity to define my future, create my own path and make my career what I wanted it to be.

That’s the beauty of creating your own business, particularly in the Virtual Assistant industry.  You ONLY offer the services you want to offer.  You can charge whatever you want to charge.  You can work two days a week or five days a week.  You choose who you work with and who you don’t.

But to do this, one needs to COMPLETELY abandon the “employee” mentality.

Lesson 1 - image 3.jpgThat mindset shift starts with saying, “I can do this.  I can create my own success.  I deserve to be successful!  I will be successful!”  It starts with a choice.  Choosing to think differently and act differently than you have before.  It’s that simple.

Embracing the thought that you REALLY can create the business of your dreams, and that what you really want and what’s possible is within your reach will catapult you towards success faster than any tip, resource or strategy I will give you.

The sooner that you, as a Virtual Assistant, can wrap your head around that concept, embrace it and own it, the sooner you’ll see success and the faster you’re going to achieve it.

It is especially important to get your mind wrapped around this at the very beginning of your entrepreneurial journey (or if you have decided it’s time to upgrade your business).  You can’t set a precedent for letting your clients dictate how you run your business.  You can’t second guess your decisions.  You can’t run your business for the benefit of your clients.  If you are going to be a successful business owner–over the long haul you have to make decisions and stand behind them.  You have to determine what your standards are and how you’re going to set up your business.  And you can’t let ANYONE, especially a client undermine your boundaries and make you second guess them.  Otherwise you might as well go back to get a regular job.

I implore you to approach your business from a place of confidence.  Present a confident stance with your tone, voice, presence, marketing materials and website.  Be proud of your decision to ditch the corporate rat race and take ownership of your career.

I believe in you!  I believe that you have the talent, tenacity and drive to be a fabulously successful VA!  But, that’s not enough.

You have to believe in YOU too.  Because if you don’t, no one else will.

Share your thoughts and comments with me by posting a comment here on the blog!

Business Management Mindset Organization

What’s Your Contingency Plan For Your Business?

Let’s face it – we live in uncertain times.    On any given day you may have a power outage, your Internet connection may be down, your child could wake up sick or you may be faced with some type of natural disaster.  Hiccups and disruptions in your work flow COULD be detrimental to your business. However, that doesn’t have to be the case.

Taking a proactive approach to preparing yourself for the unexpected you can minimize the effect on your business.  By having a contingency plan, you are establishing yourself as a business professional just like any large corporation.  If done correctly, your clients won’t even know you had an issue unless you decide to tell them.

So what exactly is a contingency plan?

A contingency plan is a process you have for your business to protect yourself and your data from being lost during an emergency.  Losing data would be detrimental to your business not only for the information that you would have to recreate, but also the violation of your clients’ private affairs.

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Mindset Organization Time Management Virtual Assistant

Create a Work Schedule That Gives You Time to Play

Starting your own home based Virtual Assistant business is a decision that involves a lot of thought and preparation. One of the biggest “perks” that comes with working for yourself and from home is having a flexible schedule.   However, that flexibility can become a liability if you don’t manage it well.

One common pitfall I see VA’s struggling with is the tendency to “multi-task“.  While you may think you can get more done, multi-tasking can truly be a detriment to your business and personal life.  It’s so easy to think you can do a load of laundry while you’re working on a website, and then take a break to fold the laundry and come back to the website when you’re done. While this may seem harmless, it actually is making you less efficient in your work as a Virtual Assistant and your housework (or whatever the other activity may be).  As a Virtual Assistant, it is important to create a work schedule for your clients’ benefit…and yours.

A key to creating a work schedule and maximizing your time is called “batching”. Batching refers to setting aside a specific block of time to handle similar tasks.  So, say for example you have 3 clients and all of them need you to do some phone work.  You might be making phone calls to clients, checking on insurance rates or whatever.  The important thing here though is to do all the phone calls at once.  By blocking out 2 hours in your day to do all the phone calls, you are focusing on just being on the phone and completing the project.  Even though you will need to track the time spent on the phone for each client so you can allocate the time appropriately, you are still being more efficient by doing all the phone calls at one time. If you were to make a phone call here and there throughout the week, the project would take much longer.

By batching your tasks, you become much more efficient which can free up time for you later in the day to do other client work, or take (some well-deserved) time off.  This technique works with virtually all tasks that you do:  bookkeeping, reading emails, transcribing files, client projects, etc.  You can even batch clients individually, rather than by task.  What this means is that maybe you designate each day of the week to a particular client and do everything in that day for them.  You’ll have to test this method out to see if it works out for you (and the client), but it can be a really effective way of getting projects done.

Another important thing to remember to schedule in your day is breaks. We all need a mental break throughout the day to ensure we’re on top of our game.  So maybe you find that you can work for a solid 2 hours before your mind starts to wander.  Then make sure you schedule your day in 2 hour batches with a 15 minute break to get something to drink, take a brief walk or just rest your brain.

By taking the time to outline your schedule and establish how you’ll get work done, you are setting yourself up for business and personal success.  You’ll have a clear “start” and “end” time for your business and family time.  This gives you the ability to make the time for doing housework (YUCK!) and of course enjoying your family time each day.  By focusing on one project at a time, you are also giving your full attention to the task at hand.  This is very important to completing clients’ projects, but also to your family who notices when you’re “distracted” by work.

What type of work schedules do you use?  How do you batch your day?  Please share your techniques with us so we can learn from each other and hopefully help someone improve their work and life balance!

Mindset Networking Resources

Develop a Client Attractive Attitude For Networking

Networking is a great way to meet people and build your business.  While it may be easy for some people to just strike up a conversation and make all the right connections, it actually takes work to network.  But the more successful you are at networking, the more successful you will be in your business.

One of the biggest indicators of your success as a networker is your attitude.  Believe it or not, you demeanor says a lot about you before you even open your mouth.   For example, think about the last time you went to the mall and sat on one of the benches to rest your feet and drink some water.  What did you do?  Well, if you’re like most of us, you watch people.

You know, you looked at all the people walking by you and thought about who they were and what they were doing and thinking…all in the blink of an eye.  Admit it, you summed them up based on the way they carried themselves.

People make those same assumptions about you.

So, to ensure that you are networking for success, take these steps to make sure you are projecting the right attitude:

  1. Smile.  It might be a cliché but a smile is worth a thousand words.  People will be instantly drawn to you or repelled by you based on your smile.  Make sure it’s sincere and inviting.  Don’t know what that looks like?  Picture yourself at your happiest:  think of your kids, your favorite vacation spot, etc.  That’s the happy look you want.
  2. Stand up straight.  Now, I know this all sounds like your mother talking to you, but the rule still hold true.  Standing up straight and being confident makes other people want to meet you and get to know you.  Nothing is more attractive than self-confidence.
  3. Genuinely listen to others.  Make sure you focus on the other person, their story and their background.  Building a relationship with them first is the best way to build a connection for life.  There’s a reason for the saying, “Your net worth is directly proportional to your network.”  Make sure you are making lifelong connections.

Taking a few moments to get an attitude adjustment can make all the difference in your networking.  By making these few changes, you will find yourself looking forward to getting out there and meeting other people.   Networking is supposed to be fun and exciting, not boring and a waste of time.

One last way to ensure you are getting the most out of any networking event is to make sure you only attend the networking events that make sense for you and your business.  For example, if your ideal client is real estate agents, make sure you attend a networking event where you know real estate agents will be attending.  Don’t just go to the next Chamber of Commerce meeting because you “might” find a potential client.  In the long run, this will be futile and tarnish your perception about networking.

Remember networking is about building relationships and making connections.  Make sure you project the right vibes so people will want to connect with you.  And make sure you’re in the right place at the right time to make those connections.

Mindset Virtual Assistant

Are you making these 3 common mistakes?

As Virtual Assistants, we tend to be really good at creating lists.  We create to-do lists for ourselves, our clients, our families, the housekeeper, etc.    These lists are created as a method for getting things done.  But,  how often do you go back and review your lists to see if “what” you’re doing is yielding the right results?  In other words, is how you’re spending your time supporting or detracting from the life and business you want to create?

If perhaps you aren’t making the money you want to make, or you’re working with clients who drain your energy, or you find yourself working far more hours than you’d like, it’s time to step back, take an honest, objective look at your VA practice and decide what adjustments need to be made.  Just as you would create an action plan for your clients, you need to create one for yourself.  The first step is to answer this question, “Are you making these 3 common mistakes?”
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Achieving Goals Mindset Virtual Assistant

Overcoming the Challenges Every Virtual Assistant Faces

Being a virtual assistant can trigger many fears that you may not have even known existed before. You know that you have many talents and a lot to offer your clients. Nevertheless, it’s not an easy job to keep your confidence up while dealing with the realities of marketing your services and being your own money manager. In order to reach your goals of profitability and success you have to develop the proper mindset.

One big issue that comes up in our business is the one of how to get and stay profitable. Women, especially have issues with this idea of profitability. We tend to be hard workers with a passion for what we do and deliver an excellent product to our clients. However, we don’t always “own our value” in the marketplace. What does that mean? “Owning your value” in the marketplace means charging, receiving money, and asking for money.

Another is the fear of standing out. How many of us really feel comfortable standing up in front of people and saying, “You know what? I am awesome at what I do.” For many even the thought of saying those words might make you squirm. It could be because doing so triggers a lot of old baggage that we may have picked up as we were growing up about being modest and not acknowledging our accomplishments.

As with all fears (False Evidence Appearing Real), these limiting beliefs can be conquered by taking advantage of the many resources available. Some of these include:     Continue Reading>>

Business Management Mindset Transition

3 Step Formula to Success As A Virtual Assistant

Are you ready to create different results in your business in the new year? Most of us are. Whatever level of success you may have achieved in 2009, it’s almost certain that you can expand that in 2010.

But what is going to be so different about the new year? I can’t foretell the future and I don’t know what exciting changes and opportunities are in store for you. But what I can tell you is that the one thing you can control is…..

Your mindset!

Your mindset is simply the perspective from which you view the world. More specifically, in this case, the way you view your business. How are you feeling about your business these days? Are you struggling to fill your practice with clients? Wondering how you’re going to pay your bills? Overwhelmed by the time and energy it takes to run your business?

If so, you are not alone! Many in the industry are feeling the same way. BUT, there are many who are making progress, working with a practice full of clients and generating a consistent income. “What is different about these VAs”, you ask?

Their mindset!

So, let’s talk about how you can get on-board the VA” success train”. Here are the three keys to changing your mindset and achieving success in your business:

Gain Clarity

Feelings of overwhelm and frustration often stem from a lack of clarity. When you are clear and focused in your business, it’s easy to get off track and difficult to achieve your goals. So, one of the first things you need to do is to get clear on what it is you are trying to accomplish. Here are some questions to consider:

  1. What am I really trying to accomplish in my business? (Be specific, i.e. the number of clients you want to work with, the amount of revenue you want to generate, etc.)
  2. What are the results and benefits I provide to my target market? (Hint: I help ________________ do/eliminate/find_________________.)
  3. Who is my ideal client? (Be VERY specific here – Make up a persona that needs and wants to buy your services from you.)
  4. Where can I start connecting with groups of my ideal clients (Think trade associations, networking groups, chamber of commerce events, friends, family and past/present colleagues.)
  5. What strategies can I use to connect with my client? (In person networking, online marketing, mailing a letter of introduction, etc.)

The goal here is to step back from what you’re currently doing in your business and get crystal clear on the results you want to create. Don’t worry about what hasn’t worked in the past. Embrace a positive, abundant attitude. Instead of saying “I can’t do that,” ask “How can I do that?” Shift the way you look at yourself and your business away from self-doubt, insecurity and procrastination to a mindset of confidence and tenacity.

Take Action

Now that you are clear on what you want to accomplish, it’s time to take action. If you want different results in your business, you’ve got to take action, starting NOW!

You aren’t going to overhaul your business overnight and you shouldn’t try. But what you SHOULD do is to break larger projects/tasks down into manageable pieces and schedule the time to make it happen. That’s right! Schedule it! Don’t leave it to chance.

Plan ahead now to:

  1. Create your business and marketing plan for 2010 (Need help with this? Be on the look out for a special announcement next Tuesday!)
  2. Research your target market and find out what their current needs and struggles are. (NOTE: People’s lives change everyday. You have to stay abreast of what problems your ideal clients are looking to solve.)
  3. Research networking opportunities either live or online where you can start connecting with your ideal clients
    Practice talking about what you do so that it’s comfortable, authentic and attractive.

Embrace The Results

Now that you’ve gained clarity around what you want to accomplish, have started implementing and taking action, it’s time to enjoy the results! Start a journal where you keep track of the “wins” in your business (no matter how “small” they may seem”) and choose one person in your life to share them with.

Enjoy the process of upgrading your mindset. When you find a moment of overwhelm or discouragement coming up, open up your journal and review your progress and pat yourself on the back for what you HAVE done. Use this exercise to quiet the negative voices in your head that may be trying to hold you back.

Start stepping out of your comfort zone! It’s ok to take small steps, but you want to be progressive in your business. If an opportunity doesn’t work out as you planned or a particular networking event doesn’t offer any leads, don’t view the situation as a failure. Rather, look at what you can learn from it and how you can do better next time. That’s the beauty of being self-employed, you can make changes anytime you want to improve the quality of your business!

Here is the simple formula:

Gain Clarity + Take Action + Get Results = Entrepreneurial Success

Implementing these simple strategies will help you to overcome a limiting mindset and start attracting the business success you deserve!

Your Action Plan For This Week

  1. Answer the questions listed above to get clear on your business goals
  2. Map out your action plan and schedule time on your calendar to implement
  3. Post your thoughts/feedback/comments below and let us know how you’re doing. We want to cheer you on!


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