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Marketing Networking

#003 VA Success Cafe: Get New Clients From Current Clients

Business Management Skill Development

Break Through Your Salary Glass Ceiling

Violence: shattered pieces of glass over blackAs an employee, have you ever had an absolutely fantastic year! You crushed every single deadline. Your superiors praised your valuable contributions on a weekly basis. BUT…

When the end of the year arrived, you receive a hearty pat on the back along with the adage, “atta-girl” routine. Certainly, you thought that a pay raise was deserved. Guess what, your manager and her manager felt the same way. However, the company just does not have the budget to express their great appreciation by means of monetary compensation.

Once again, you have hit your head on the salary glass ceiling!

Do you want to change this situation? Is it important for you to take control of your employment security? Do you want to break through the glass ceiling that has been bruising your head for years? Of course you do! Perhaps you have yet to learn that you can take the administrative skills and knowledge that you have and create your own source of income.

Decide To Change

If you really want to change your employment situation it is important that you decide to do so. When you decide on a matter, it means that you exclude all other options. For example, when you decide to change your current employment situation, your current state is no longer on the table as an option. Your new focus is to create a new situation whether you will be employed or self-employed.  So, make your decision to break through your compensation glass ceiling.

Learn How To Change Continue Reading>>

Achieving Goals Business Management Motivation

4 Reasons You Are Hiding From Your Goals

waves of the sea on the beach that erase the year 2013You have 70 days left before the start of 2014!

Are you thinking the same thing that many other Virtual Assistants are thinking; ‘Where did the time go?’ The year 2013 is almost gone, a wrap, over, FINITO! How do you feel about your goals for this year? Are you beaming with excitement because you have accomplished a large portion of them? Or, are you avoiding the area where you have posted those goals. You know the feeling of being afraid to review your goals because you think that they will fully understand how you have ignored them for so long.

That is understandable. We all have been there before! So, instead of being scared of those goals, we will discuss 4 reasons why you are hiding from them. Let’s put it out there. Recognize and acknowledge the reasons so that you can overcome them in the future

Reason #1 Procrastination

For some presumably good reason, you decided to delay getting started on a particular objective. Maybe in your mind it was a bit too overwhelming to tackle. Or, you thought that the goal was so easy to reach, that you could start on it at any time and finish it at your leisure. However, there are fewer than 70 days left in the year and you haven’t even started working toward the goal.

Reason #2 They Got Lost and Forgotten Continue Reading>>

Business Management Marketing Target Market

#001 VA Success Cafe: Successfully Close New Business

Marketing Networking Skill Development Target Market

5 Pieces To Effective Business Conversations

five men with jigsaw puzzlesHave you ever had that feeling? You know what I mean.

It’s that feeling that you get when your mind is racing, your palms start to sweat and your thoughts decide that they do not want to make the faintest connection to your vocal cords. And then, you become…


Has that ever happened to you met a potential business associate. You exchange greetings, you learn each others’ name, and then the conversation goes deeper with the one question that makes you cringe… “So, what do you do?

For many Virtual Assistants this is the most dreaded question because they do not know how to clearly convey the problems of their target market (if they have one), or how they solve those problems effectively.

What Are the 5 Pieces?

There are 5 critical pieces to masterfully articulating your value as a business owner and making strong connections. When you are face to face with a conversation partner keep the following conversation pieces in mind.

1 ~ Choose A Target Market

Having a target market gives great subject matter on which to have business conversations. If you tend to be on the shy side, focusing your attention on a separate group of people will give you the confidence needed to add more fuel to your conversation fire. If your target market is business coaches, you can talk about how that stresses that they experience with owning and operating their coaching practice. Then move to piece #2. Continue Reading>>

Business Management

3 Things You Fail To Do In Your Business

cakeHave you ever baked a cake? Imagine for a moment that you were baking a red velvet cake. However, you failed to include you flour, sugar and red food coloring. Would the finished product be a success? I don’t think so!

What about your Virtual Assistance business? If you are missing key ingredients, how do you expect to accomplish your goals? Make sure that you do not fail to generously use the following three key ingredients for baking up business success.

Those ingredients are Planning, Focus and Completion.


If you do not know where you are going, any road will take you there. Almost everything conceivable has a vision, action steps and progress. When you decide to bake a cake, you have likely seen the finished product in one form or another. It may have been a picture or you could have tasted the delectable item.

The same is the case with your business. You know what your version of success looks like. One of the easiest ways to measure that is in terms of income generated. Why? Most businesses are designed to produce revenue. The health of the business can be determine by its’ profits. You should already know your revenue goal for the year, for the month and for each week.

Now that you have those numbers written on paper, you will need to determine what activities will enable you to reach these goals. The amount you charge your clients should be clear. The number of clients you need to have each month should be stated. Your marketing strategies for acquiring clients must be recognized. And you need to measure your activity and your results. You should have a detailed plan with a copy of it on your desk for daily review.


When your cake pan is in the oven, the mixture of ingredients in that pan is ready for intense heat. This is the only way to bring about the finished product; focused, intense heat. Are you putting focused heat into your work? It is one thing to have a plan, but undistracted follow through on that plan is of paramount importance.

Of course you wear many hats as an entrepreneur. Still, a successful business is the result of many projects and tasks being carried out with committed focus. Take a look around your office. How many projects, tasks and follow up appointments are waiting on your attention? After acknowledging these matters, you can progress towards the third ingredient.


What indicators make it apparent that a baking cake is almost done? Your nose gives you a hint. A better and more accurate gauge is your clock. Likewise, put a time stamp on all of the projects and tasks that you need to complete. Be realistic in your assessment. If you need to get a new website up and running, there is no need to block off three months for this project. Also, when it comes to marketing your business, you should have specific activities noted on your calendar for each month and each week. Note as well, the day and time that you will engage in your marketing activity. Do these to completion!

It is certainly difficult to focus on and complete projects and tasks in this day and age. We live in an era of many distractions and shiny objects. At the same time, if you want your Virtual Assistance business to be a success for you and your family, it is imperative that you know what your vision of success looks like. Plan out the work that it takes to bring that vision about. Focus with intense heat on all of the projects and tasks that will enable you to fulfill your vision. Do not stop working until you have completed every project and task. When you generously apply these three ingredients, your success is certain!

Achieving Goals

4 Steps To Create Your Future

The success or failure of your business is not left up to chance. It is not a huge mystery as to whether you will accomplish your goals or not. This leads to an important question that you need to personally address: ‘What type of person are you?’

At the time you are reading this article, you are one of two types. You are either a dreamer or a doer. A dreamer is a person who says, “I would like to have my own VA business.” The doer, on the other hand says, “I am going to succeed as a Virtual Assistant!” The doer sees the future of their business and then makes it come to reality. She follows 4 important steps and so can you.

Action Step 1: See Your Future Clearly

Define your version of success. When you think about having a successful Virtual Assistance business, what does that look like? This is where you have the freedom to be creative and to get excited about your business. Does success mean having a specific income, a certain number of clients, freedom to choose how you use your time? Does success mean creating a business so that you can care for an aging parent or an ill family member? It is vital that you have a clear picture in mind. Your future has to be so vivid that you can spell out each detail.

Action Step 2: Spell Out The Details Of Your Future

Here are a few examples of details that may be important to your business future:

  • My business will support X number of clients.
  • My business will generate X amount of income.
  • My business will allow me to work X number hours per week.
  • My business will … (finish your own list of details)

What details are important to YOU personally? How will you build your business?

Action Step 3: Plan How You Will Create Your Future

The treasure that you seek is good for motivation. It starts your engine and builds excitement. You can see the future of your business and it is compelling enough to pull you forward. Now, a plan is needed. The road map to your success has to be created so that you can know exactly what actions you need to take and when.

At this point, you will manifest whether you are a dreamer or a doer! Actions speak louder than words. If you need help with planning how you will create your future that is fine. Be okay with that. There are many resources available to you, both free and paid. How badly do you want to create your own future? The steps you take will tell what type of person you are. Take a look at just a few examples of how you can create your road map:

  • Decide what skills your clients will pay you to use.
  • Set up and legalize your business.
  • Put systems in place so that you can accept payments and support your clients well.
  • Enroll your next client by telling people about how your business solves problems.
  • Determine what technology you need.
  • Choose a target market and learn how to highlight your solutions to their problems.
  • Learn how to talk about what you do in a way that compels others to want to know more.
  • Build a system around prospecting and closing new business.

(This list is not exhaustive. You need to view your current situation and build from there.)

Action Step 4: Work Your Plan

You have defined the future of your business. You have mapped the steps. Now, you have to go to work! At this juncture, fear normally creeps in. Fear is paralyzing and might scare you into inactivity. But remember, you have to decide what type of person you are. A dreamer will complete the first three action steps we have discussed. The doer, however, will work her plan despite her fears!

The future of your business and your life are sure to come. Will you determine the future or let it come upon you haphazardly and misdirected? The choice truly is yours. Would you be happier and more fulfilled if you decide what that future will be and then make it a reality? If you need help with mapping out the steps to creating your Virtual Assistance business, contact us at Support@EAtoVA.com. We are delighted to answer any questions that come to your mind.

Target Market

Your Next Client Might Be In Your Back Yard

finding clientsYou say that you want more clients. Is that really true? Examine your marketing efforts over the past six weeks. What have you done to actually enroll new clients? Perhaps you sent a few emails out. Maybe you made a few new connections on LinkedIn. What have you really done? I want to challenge you to take a different look at getting new clients.

Peruse your contact files of the people you have known for quite some time. Is there anyone in your personal network that does not fully understand what you do in your business? Notice that I didn’t say ‘Is there anyone who does not know you are in business’. That is important. If people know that you have a business but do not clearly understand what you do and whom you serve, they will not be able to help you build your business.

Again, look in your personal network and examine the people that you know well. Would your family and friends be able to explain to a prospective customer who your target market is and how you help solve their problems? Make that part of your marketing strategy. Educate your warm market, or people who know you well about your Virtual Assistance company. Educate them in a way so that they will be able to help you find your next client. You will be surprised at the number of referrals that come your way after you take this very important action. Here is a challenge for you to enroll your next client.

If you repeat the following steps as a part of your marketing plan, you will reap several amazing benefits.

7 Step Marketing Strategy

Step 1: Choose 5 people from your network. (Do more if you are really ambitious.)
Step 2: Invite them individually to learn about your VA business. Set up a coffee, lunch or phone date.
Step 3: Teach about the following things:

  • Your target market and the problems they face.
  • How you solve the problems of your target market and the benefits your clients receive from working with you.
  • How you improve the lives of your clients with the work you do.
  • How people in your network can make introductions for you.

Step 4: Ask your contact if they have any questions. Clarify any misunderstandings.
Step 5: Ask your contact if they could explain what you do to someone else. (If not, help them to do so.)
Step 6: Ask your contact if they know anyone who is facing the same struggles from Step 3.
Step 7: Make arrangements for your contact to make an introduction for you.

Do you think that you can follow this easy formula for acquiring new clients? If you want to grow your business, you would do well to tap into the network of people that you already know. A warm lead may be easily found in your warm market. One of your personal contacts may need your services or they may be able to quickly introduce you to someone who does. Make sure that the people who are close to you are able to articulate what you do in business. It is an intelligent way of building a free sales force of people who know you and want you to succeed!

Virtual Assistant

Top 3 Reasons Why You Should Register

If you have not yet heard, we are hosting a free training that will show you exactly how you can use your administrative background to start your own Virtual Assistance business. This special training is a direct response to the many inquiries that we receive on a daily basis: ‘How do I get started? What is a VA? How do I get clients? How do I approach people? How do I get the courage to be my own boss?’ You will get the answers to these and many other questions. If you are not registered, click the link below.

Register Here

Here are the top three reasons why you should register and join us for this training.

Reason #1 – Learn How To Become Your Own Boss

Picture yourself at your desk in your corporate job. You are the Executive Assistant to a C-Level manager and you have been for years. Your employer probably travels the world to handle business deals and you are helping him (or her) every step of the way. It is your objective to manage travel, produce and finalize presentations, connect with clients in different parts of the world, while at the same time holding the fort down in the home office. You are truly an asset in make multi-million dollar deals a success.

But, you don’t receive a fraction of the credit that you deserve. The skills that you have developed over the years can be your ticket to becoming your own boss. There are millions of small business owners who need the exact same assistance that your C-Level employer requires of you. The only difference is that you would now become the CEO of your own company.  There is no one to tell you what time to punch the time clock. There is no one who will tell you how much you are getting paid. No more! You have just recognized that you have the ability to create the life you want with the talent and expertise that you already possess.

Reason #2 – Learn How To Establish Your Fees

We will teach you how to set up a fee structure that will enable you to support your lifestyle from the comfort of your own home. If a large corporation has paid you for your skills you can certainly make the same money when you become an entrepreneur. How can you do this? You need to make solid plans when you decide to become a Virtual Assistant. Fee structure is important because you will have to replace the income that you once had when you were employed.

Determine how much money you need to make. This should include estimates for taxes, insurances and other expenses that you have in your household. We have a simple formula that will help you to do this quickly and without getting a headache.

Reason #3 – Learn How To Market Yourself

As a Virtual Assistant, you are in the business of solving problems for your customers and turning a profit for your company. Implementing a good marketing strategy is imperative for you to stay in business. Are you apprehensive about showcasing your skills to the world? It’s ok! Many people are and with a little training and practice, you can become adept at marketing your much-needed services.

Let me give you a preview of some simple tactics that you can implement as soon as possible. Remember that your prospects have problems. You, as a virtual assistant provide solutions. Your clients receive big benefits from partnering with you. Always remember to look at your business from the perspective of Problem – Solution – Benefits. Shifting your paradigm to this way of thinking will remove stress and motivate you to help people get the relief they seek. You are an oasis in the desert for your clients.

There is so much more to share! We look forward to working with you during the free training session that is quickly approaching. Register. Mark your calendar. Have fun and learn!

Marketing Mindset Target Market Virtual Assistant

It’s ALL about YOU (… or is it?)

customer 2You can become a very successful Virtual Assistant if you focus on the right things at the right time. For example, if you are interested in becoming a virtual assistant but have not yet started your business, that is the perfect time to focus on YOU. Here are some things that you want to consider.

You Focus

Do you have: Continue Reading>>

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