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Overcome Two Common Challenges To Succeeding As A Virtual Assistant

Life is riddled with challenges. There are roadblocks to becoming a successful parent or spouse. There are certain difficulties that hinder strong friendships and family ties. There are challenges to remaining financially, emotionally, physically and spiritually healthy. Therefore, whether you have a job or run your own company, you will meet obstacles. The key that unlocks the door to personal success is knowing how to meet and defeat challenges. What might prevent you from attaining victory in your Virtual Assistant practice?

Overcoming Fear

What fears do you hold close to your heart? There are some fears that we tend to plant and cultivate. Fear is natural and normal to experience. It is a mechanism employed by the subconscious mind that attempts to keep us safe and out of harm’s way. This fear prevents us from making unwise decisions, but can also prevent us from embarking on new endeavors. That is why red flags and bells go off in our mind when we step outside of our comfort zone. That is why your palms get sweaty and you start to get the jitters when you reach the edge of your comfort zone.

This is the perfect time to host a conversation with your fear. Ask your fear, "What is the worst that can happen?" Ask too, "Why do you want to hold me back from trying this new endeavor?" (This is actually a conversation with yourself that acknowledges the fear you are experiencing). Fear is appropriate. That is why it is so important to engage it and analyze it. Efforts to suppress it are counterproductive.

What fears do you have with regards to running your very own successful virtual assistance company? Are you fearful that you may not acquire clients and have enough income? You might be concerned healthcare and retirement plans. You may have several fears that are trying to keep you "safe". This is good news! Acknowledge, analyze and confront every fear that you have. Start by writing them down. Then have a conversation with them one by one. This will allow your mind to open up to the many solutions that are available.

Defeat Overwhelm

One of your fears may be that of getting overwhelmed. You know that you are great at the work you do. That is why you desire to be in business for yourself. "But, there is so much responsibility and work that is involved in being an entrepreneur," you say. That is true!

What can prevent and/or rescue you from overwhelm? It is necessary to implement systems into your business. A system is a structured method to run every aspect of you business. If you have to re-invent the wheel every time you do filing, billing or even turning a prospect into a client, this will lead to overwhelm and discouragement. Let’s analyze the example of enrolling a new client. Do you have a system for transforming new contacts into prospects and prospects into paying clients?

Here is a simple method:

  1. Meet a new contact
  2. Conversation leads to business interest
  3. Collect contact information
  4. Contact is now a prospect
  5. Follow up with prospect (card or phone call)
  6. Schedule a business call
  7. Have prospect fill out an assessment form
  8. Prepare for business call using the assessment form
  9. Business call is progressing wellY
  10. ou decide you would like to work with prospect
  11. Move into sales conversation
  12. Prospect now becomes a client or a contact to follow up with later
  13. [here is where you complete the process for your new clients and former prospects]

After running your systems a few times it will become second nature. You should implement a system for every segment of your business so that your work can become BRAINLESS. This takes less energy defeats overwhelm and saves time. Which means you make AND save more mo.ney.  Write out each of your systems for quick future reference and you’ll find yourself making faster progress than ever before.

Overcoming fear and overwhelm is not necessarily easy. It is, rather, a process of becoming familiar with your way of thinking and performing.  And it requires a shift in your mindset.  If you want different results, you need to have different behavior.  We all are a work in progress. Wouldn’t you like to make your work a lot easier on yourself and become a successful Virtual Assistant?  You can do so by defeating fear and overwhelm.

Action Steps For This Week:

  1. Identify the fears that stump your business growth.Write down your fears and have a conversation with them.
  2. Pick two aspects of your business to create systems for and complete by next week.
  3. Share your fears and your systems by commenting on the blog.
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