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Business Management

You Can Make Finding Clients Easy

Do you have enough clients? There are several ways for you to fill your business with ideal clients. However, if you do not have enough clients as you read this article, you haven’t found or implemented the steps to have a full practice.

One way that you can showcase your expertise to an audience who is waiting to hand you their credit cards is to follow the practical advice found here. So, keep reading if you want more clients to pay you to be their Virtual Assistant. Are you with me so far? Good!

Have you ever shot fish in a barrel? Not likely. But, that expression is a good way to look at finding clients. Do you want prospecting to be easier? Would you like for people who know you to be able to easily refer you business? Of course you do! Therefore, I won’t ask you any more silly questions because I know that you want to add more ideal clients to your business. Here is how you do it.

The demography of the clients you want in your business is crucial. Why? Demographics allow you to find oodles of ideal prospects in one place. It is similar to having a school of your favorite fish in a barrel. This is very simple. But, you must decide what group of people you want to serve. If you were to write out the demographics of the clients that you want to work with, what would that look like? The following questions will help you to figure this out.


  • What industry does your favorite clients work in?
  • Which professionals need your services? (i.e. interior designers, real estate agents, professional organizers etc.)
  • Where can you find these professionals in large groups?

When you decide to focus on serving a specific group of people in a specific industry, your clients win, you win, every one WINS! Why is this true? Think about this for a moment. If you identify yourself as one who specializes in solving specific problems for a specific group of people, your target market will stand up and say, “This is the Virtual Assistant that I need to help me grow my business!”

You should have clear-cut goals when it comes to marketing your business. One of those goals is to speak directly to the pain that your prospective clients are facing while demonstrating how to alleviate them of that pain. If you work with IT professionals and help them to manage their calendar, accounting and contacts, wouldn’t you want to find that specific group in droves? Of course!

It is imperative that you choose a target market so that you can locate many prospective clients at one time and show up as The Solution that they have been searching for. Marketing is simply a matter if putting your services in plain view of people who are already looking for you. I know you need more clients. Make the task of finding new clients easier on yourself by choosing a target market so that you can find ideal prospects en masse!

Business Management Podcast Target Market Virtual Assistant

The VA Success Cafe: Episode 6

Ideal Clients are like awesome friends. They invigorate you and inspire you to do your VERY BEST work. They give you great energy and help you to go the extra mile because they are such fantastic people. The work relationship that you create soon becomes a friendship because Ideal Clients are easy to become attached to. They possess the personality traits and qualities that you enjoy being around. Look at your closest friends and past work associates. Who in those groups would you say possess ideal qualities? As a Virtual Assistant, you surely want to fill your practice with people who have those traits. It will enable you to build a business that you thoroughly enjoy.

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