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Mindset Physical Health

How Does Good Health Build Your Business?

It is possible that you have heard of the many wonderful benefits of regular exercise. My question to you is this, ‘Why should you seriously consider the powerful connection between good health and how it can help you to be successful as a Virtual Assistant?’

Let us make the connection to some of the benefits of good health and good business practices. When you exercise you are likely to experience:

1. Increased blood flow to the brain – As you receive more oxygen to your brain, it will increase your mental alertness and concentration. If you find that you have difficulty staying focused on the tasks at hand, you may be suffering from mental sluggishness. Get out of that lethargic state by walking for 30-40 minutes each day.

2. Reduced stress – Because you work with clients virtually, you rely heavily on technology to help you accomplish your business objectives. It goes without saying that breakdowns in technology produces increased levels of stress. Another stress inducing situation is working with clients and the challenging personalities they may have. If you have a good exercise routine, you will feel better physically and reduce the anxieties that you experience in your work and life.

3. State of happiness – Regular exercise produces a good feeling in many people. When you feel good and happy, you are poised to be more productive and to increase the happiness of those who work with you. Your happiness will infiltrate everything that you do. When you correspond with your clients they will notice a good aura when they hear your voice, read your emails and collaborate to accomplish goals. You will show up well when you are marketing your business and seeking out new clients. I know that you want to draw new clients into your business. Being in a state of happiness will help!

Regular exercise will improve your well-being. It will benefit your relationships, your personal health and your business success. Why not use exercise as a business building strategy. Your success as a Virtual Assistant depends upon it. Get started today!

Marketing Networking Virtual Assistant

Keep Your Client Pipeline Full With Public Speaking

Public speaking is one of the most effective ways to attract more clients to your Virtual Assistant business. Even if you’re not comfortable talking in front of a crowd – right now – there’s a good reason you should start. Why? Because it’s the fastest way to automatically establish yourself as an expert in your field.

Think about it.  When looking to hire a service provider, don’t you typically want to work with the BEST person for the job?  Would you really consider hiring someone who offers substandard services? Of course not! So neither would your prospective clients.

By speaking in public, you automatically put yourself in the driver’s seat. Whether your presentation is 5 minutes long or 30 minutes long, the room is focused on you.  Everyone is listening what you have to say and if you deliver great content, they are writing down everything you say and making a list of questions.  That list of questions is a good thing because they are trying to envision themselves working with you.

Also, public speaking adds credibility to the virtual assistance industry as a whole. There are still so many people who are unclear about VA’s, what they do and how a VA can help them grow their business. By delivering a content rich speech on what a Virtual Assistant is and how you can help business owners increase their business and reduce their stress, you elevate your expertise as well as that of the entire VA industry. Continue Reading>>

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