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5 Keys To Becoming A Successful Virtual Assistant

In 2009, there were 27.5 million businesses in the United States, according to Office of Advocacy estimates (per a report published in January 2011). What does that mean for you?

A) That number has only increased since 2009.
B) EVERY single one of those businesses needs some type of administrative support to function and be profitable.
C) There is more opportunity for you to be successful than ever before.

Since you have expressed an interest in becoming a Successful Virtual Assistant, I want to share with you all the tips, short cuts and resources that were not available to me when I first got started. I had to figure out on my own most of the things that I learned. I hope that you will utilize the tools that I give you so as to make your journey a LOT less stressful than mine turned out.

Fortunately, I kept track of every step I took, every mistake I made and everything that worked along the way. I didn’t have a real reason for doing so at the time, but I’m SO glad I did because now I can share them with you. When I look back I see that there are 5 critical keys you need to start and build a successful Virtual Assistance company:

1. Mindset: You may not realize it now, but to be successful as an entrepreneur, you have to THINK like an entrepreneur. As employees, we are conditioned to do what others tell us. Someone else typically decides our schedule, how much we get paid, who we work with and what projects we work on. When you become self-employed, YOU call all the shots. This is probably one of the things that is most attractive to you about the opportunity to be a Virtual Assistant. However, you must understand that you will have to go through some growing pains to make-over your mindset. You cannot operate your business they way you function as an employee. It simply won’t work. If you avoid working through this transition it could be the ONE thing that can make or break your business.

2. Infrastructure: What makes up the infrastructure of your company?  Here are a few things to consider: 1) Insurances – health, life, disability, dental etc. 2) Technology – computers, phones, an online presence etc.  3) Operations – you must have operational systems in place such as accounting, tax filing, setting up new customers, processes for working with customers, etc. 4) Structure – will you set up an LLC or a Sole Proprietorship?  5) Finances – it takes money to make money. Considering these important matters and making well-informed decisions about which situations will work best for you, will enable you to start and manage a successful company.

3. Marketing: Marketing your services and getting clients boils down to one thing, ‘Offering solutions to people who are already looking for them.’ You don’t have to “hawk your wares”, you don’t have to convince people to hire you and you don’t have to take any opportunity that comes along. Marketing at it’s best is simple, focused and consistent. Those who do not market their company tend to find themselves out of business very soon. The best thing that you can do for your business is to know how to generate leads and enroll new clients. You do not want to wait to figure this out. You can develop a marketing plan even before you have made your first dollar, taking advantage of the resources, relationships and opportunities already within your reach.

4. Transition: Having a PLAN around your transition from Executive Assistant to Virtual Assistant will help you to make the leap from employee to entrepreneur smoothly. Please do not quit your job and then ‘hope for the best’. That is NOT a plan that leads to success. You want to make sure that you have not only your infrastructure in tact, but also a step by step plan that has dates attached to keep you focused. This plan gives you time and space to make the transition. In your mind you may think you can “wave a wand” and make the changes you need to make overnight. But that is an unrealistic view. Mapping out a realistic plan will help you to make steady progress, avoid unnecessary stress and minimize wasted time and wasted money.

5. Building Your Business: When you work for someone else, that company does all of the heavy lifting for you as an employee. The company is responsible for building the business so that you will have a place to work each day. Now, YOU are responsible for whether you win or lose. Success or failure is 100% in YOUR hands! You, therefore, have to perform all of the needed tasks to REMAIN in business. This includes constantly upgrading your skill set, setting up systems, marketing consistently and more.

If you would like help with each of these 5 Keys, I invite you to join me for a FREE training call on Thursday, May 31st, entitled “How to Use the Skills You Already Have to Add An Additional $500 – $5,000 to Your Monthly Income…Working From Home”. Click HERE to get the dial-in details!

Marketing Networking

Get New Clients, How – Part 3

Develop the “Follow Up Habit”

Do you ever wonder when your telephone will start ringing?  Are you sitting in your office waiting for prospects to call you and hire you?  If so, you will need to change this mindset immediately!  Please understand that if you do not take the initiative to follow up on even the smallest interest in your service, you may be stealing money from your own wallet.

How can you rob from your own wallet?  This is done whenever you have an opportunity to build your business and you, well, decide NOT to!  Do you have the habit of following up when you meet a new business contact?  Do you follow up even if there is a tiny bit of interest in what you have to offer?  Take for instance the family member who says to you, “I think I know someone who could use your help.”  How do you deal with this situation?  There are several action steps that you could take:

  1. You could wait for your relative to put you in contact with the person.
  2. You could ask your relative to pass on your contact information to the person.
  3. You could ask your relative for the contact information of the person.

Which of these action steps seems to be the MOST effective to you?  If you are going to develop the follow up habit, you have to take the initiative.  You want to take the best step that will put you in front of the referral.  Action step number three is the best way to go.  But, we can take it a step further.  Why not ask your relative for the contact information.  Tell her that you are going to call the referral.  Additionally, ask your relative to contact the referral as well to give them a heads up that you will be calling.  Are you doing this now? In order to develop the follow up habit, you ALWAYS have to take the big, bold initiative.

The same is true when you meet other people who mention that they have an interest in what you do.  Or, they may mention that they know of someone else who is looking for the type of support that you provide.  Do not rob money from your own wallet by not following up.  If you come into contact with a new acquaintance on Monday, it would be a great idea to give them a call on Tuesday.  Do you have difficulty figuring out what to say?  Here is a sample conversation starter:

“Hi Sharon, my name is Wil.  We met yesterday and I hope you are doing well.  I’m calling because I told you that I would follow up with you to give you more information about how I help my clients to increase their revenue in less time than they have done so in the past.”

Keep in mind that the sooner you follow up, the easier your conversations will be. You want to talk to people while you are still on their mind.  However, you do not want to wait until the person waits to call you.  Remember, you are not in high school.  You don’t want to have the attitude that ‘I’m not calling her until she calls me first’.  That is best way to steal money from your own wallet.

At this time, take out all of the business cards that you have gathered over the previous weeks and start making phone calls. You are in the business of building your business.  Getting into the follow up habit is one of the cheapest methods of marketing your business.   Put the money in your wallet and don’t leave it on the table!



Marketing Networking Target Market

Get New Clients, How? – Part 2

Clearly Talk About What You Do

A clear message always leads to better understanding.  Have you ever been in an airport and a heard a voice come over the PA system?  Sometimes, the message that the announcer dispenses is very unclear.  You cannot determine if the airplane that you plan to catch has begun the boarding process or if the doors have already been locked.  In a situation like this, hopefully you are in full view of what is going on at the gate where you plan to take off.  How frustrating!  Now, think about when you are telling someone about your profession. Does the person who is listening to you have a clear picture of how you serve your clients?  Can they determine that you are a service professional?      Continue Reading>>

Marketing Target Market Virtual Assistant

Get New Clients, How? – Part I


With any endeavor in life, we try to put ourselves in the best position possible to get the things we need in life.  When you were in grade school perhaps you thought about going to college so that you would be in a better “position” to obtain a good paying job.  (More than likely you weren’t taught to start your own business when you were in high school).  Now that you are running your own business, it is your ultimate goal to make your business a thriving one.      Continue Reading>>

Marketing Networking Virtual Assistant

Successful Marketing Part IV – Networking to Build Your Business

“Do you know a good…?”  That simple question is the beginning of networking!  How often do we look to others for a solid resource that will improve our lives?  This is at least a weekly if not a daily occurrence.  “Do you know a good Vegan restaurant… a good hairstylist… a good mystery novel… a good dentist?  The list is infinite!  Either we ourselves or someone we know is looking for a reputable something or someone. Think about it, if that recommendation is followed through, someone just gained a new client. When situation is appropriate, that someone could be you! Continue Reading>>

Marketing Networking Virtual Assistant

Successful Marketing Part III – Your Warm Market

Do you know that you are possibly sitting on a gold mine!  Whether you are new or experienced as a virtual assistant, it is important for you to tap into your warm market.  “What is my warm market?” you may ask?  I’m so glad that you asked that question because it is a great topic for discussion. Continue Reading>>

Marketing Target Market Virtual Assistant

Marketing Networking Virtual Assistant

Successful Marketing – Part I

At EA to VA we have conducted several surveys over the past several years.  The most popular question that we receive is, “How do I get clients and run a successful business?”  This is a very important question.  If you belong to the EA to VA community, you know that there are many resources available to you that will teach you how to run a solid Virtual Assistance business.  We encourage you to keep following the blog and post comments and questions when they arise.  Also, take advantage of the many resources within the weekly ezine. Continue Reading>>

Marketing Mindset

How to Eliminate Your Fear of Marketing and Get Results

Most VA’s start their business because they want more freedom, more flexibility, and more opportunity to utilize their skills to make a difference in the lives of others.  Those are great reasons to start a Virtual Assistant business!

Unfortunately, it often happens that once you start your business, you quickly realize that you are actually in the business of marketing. After all, you won’t have a sustainable business without clients. And to attract ideal clients you MUST market!

Concerned WomanARRRGGG! M-A-R-K-E-T….

For some Virtual Assistants, just hearing this word creates an instant frown. Perhaps you have thought, “I don’t want to market…. I just want to do my work!’”

I know that this thought has crossed your mind at one time or another, because when I was a VA it certainly crossed mine. When I first started my business as a Virtual Marketing Assistant, all I wanted was to work comfortably in my cozy little home office and for people to send me checks. It never really occurred to me that I’d have to actually get out there and sell my services…I just expected clients to show up knocking on my door.

Perhaps you can relate. Some VAs who have an aversion to marketing feel that way because to them, marketing represents something pushy, sales-y, and difficult. In the back of their mind their thinking “used car salesman” and that is not who they want to be.

I get it!

The good news is that marketing your VA business doesn’t have to feel that way, and you don’t have to be afraid of marketing. It can actually be … (gasp) FUN!

The thing is… marketing is simply a matter of sharing solutions in an appealing way with people who are already looking for them.

I’m going to say that one more time; marketing is simply a matter of sharing solutions in an appealing way with people who are already looking for them. So there is absolutely nothing to be afraid of. There are countless entrepreneurs who right now are desperate for help in running their business and in need of the exact services you offer. It’s effective marketing that will allow you to connect with these individuals, present your solutions and enroll them as your clients.

Following are a few proven tips to help you overcome the fear of marketing:

  1. Stop worrying about what other people think of you – You may be surprised to know, they really aren’t as concerned about you as you think they are. Instead of worrying about what they think, channel that energy into generously sharing your expertise with those who need your help.
  2. Get very clear about what it is you actually do for your clients.  Don’t label yourself as a Virtual Assistant.  Instead, focus on the benefits and results you create for your clients.  Doing so will make it much easier for you to talk about what you do (and make you much more attractive to ideal prospects)!
  3. Take action in spite of your fears!  Many times, we allow limiting beliefs, doubts, and fears to hold us back only to find out months (or even years) down the line that the very thing we were worried about – had absolutely no basis.  So, don’t stand in your own way and hold yourself back.   Take steps to move forward in consistently growing and marketing your business.  Highly successful entrepreneur Kevin Nations says, “Winners take imperfect action!”  Your efforts do not have to be perfect, but consistent action will take you a VERY long way.
  4. Reach out for support!  No one who is successful in life or business has done it on their own.  We all need a support system, a place to bounce ideas and get reassurance that “it’s going to be OK”.  Start surrounding yourself with individuals who believe in you and want you to succeed.  Hire a coach to help keep you accountable and to help you strategize.  Don’t be afraid to ask for help!

Internet MarketingRemember, marketing is simply a matter of sharing solutions in an appealing way with people who are already looking for them.  There are countless people right now looking for the very solutions you have to offer.  It’s your duty to share your expertise and service.  Allow marketing to be your vehicle to doing so!

Which of the strategies shared here will you implement in your business?  Share your thoughts and your plan here on my blog!

Networking Virtual Assistant

Marketing VA’s: How They Help Entrepreneurs Grow Their Business

One of the best ways to grow your business and earn more income, is to specialize in a specific type of virtual assistance.  One option is to offer marketing support services.  There is an ever growing need for marketing virtual assistants, particularly those who specialize in Internet marketing.

The two things EVERY business owner wants are 1) to make more money in their business and 2) to have more time to enjoy being self-employed.  A VA who specializes in marketing and is directly connected to creating more profits and increased productivity will make herself invaluable to her clients.  This type of virtual assistance is not just about supporting the entrepreneur to run their business effectively or waiting for the client to ask for help.  It’s about taking initiative and being proactive about completing tasks and projects that create more opportunities for exposure and revenue in the client’s business.

Speakers, authors, coaches and consultants are part of the growing group of business owners who are hiring VA’s to help them market their business effectively.  They’ve found that they just don’t have the time or the expertise to market themselves and their services .  To create the desired results, marketing needs to be done in a focused and consistent way.  By hiring a VA who specializes in marketing support, business owners can focus on their gifts and developing their business, while the VA executes their marketing plan to attract more clients and customers. Continue Reading>>

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