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Business Management

How Can You Eat An Elephant

Running a business has been compared to eating an elephant! That is a weighty thought when you consider that an elephant may not be able to fit into your home, let alone on your dinner plate. Similarly, thinking about starting a business (or keeping up with the one you have) may seem daunting.

Is the goal of running a successful Virtual Assistance business elephantine in your mind? Believe me, it’s totally okay if that is how you feel at this time. Many people want to become a Virtual Assistant because they have been laid off from their job. Many others feel that they have hit the glass ceiling of compensation and thus feel under-appreciated and under paid. Some want to be home when their children arrive home from school. Still, others are caring for ill relatives and need to earn a living on their own time. These various situations motivate individuals to look for another vehicle that will enable them to create their lifestyle. What is your reason? Continue Reading>>

Business Management Technology Virtual Assistant

How Can You Keep Your Client Work Organized?

Are you a Virtual Assistant who is looking for an easy way to collaborate with you clients and stay organized? If you are having difficulty staying organized in working with your clients, you may have too many locations where you store stuff.

For example, if you have 5 different clients that you work with, where do you save all of your communication? Is it difficult for you to keep track of the instructions that you receive via email? Does information get lost between the time you hear a voice mail to the time that you complete a task or project? It would be great if you could retain all of this information in one place. Well, the good news is, you can!

Basecamp is a fantastic resource that enables you to stay organized and focused when working with clients. Basecamp is online collaboration and project management software. Keep all of your data in one place so that you and your clients can review the same information at the same time. Additionally, you can edit and upload new versions of documents that you share. Why is this important for you? Basecamp will help you to stop losing emails and post it notes and voicemails. Upload all of the client notes that you have to Basecamp. Never lose a task or forget where you made notes about an important conversation.

Why is it so easy to keep track of files and conversations in Basecamp? Everything that you add to this tool is date stamped. You can get a visual timeline of the projects that you are working on currently. This let’s you know what is complete and where you may need to take action on specific project.

It is important for you to get and stay organized in your business. Impress your clients by staying on top of the tasks that you two have agreed on. Use Basecamp as the answer to the problem of being disorganized. Being disorderly is a choice. Therefore, make the choice of taking control of all of your business activity. Decide to be the captain of your business’ organization by implementing tools that will help you to serve your clients in a systematized and orderly way.

Organization Resources

3 Ways to Use Evernote For Your Business

If you would like a tool that gives you instant access to data that you have collected, you have no need to look any further than Evernote. Why can this be an effective tool for your Virtual Assistance business?

Keep Track of Everything

Evernote has so many cool features that you just cannot get enough of using this awesome app! You can track absolutely everything that comes to your mind. One of the first things that you may want to do with Evernote is to start saving data so that you can see how easy it is to collect information.

If you have photos or images that you want to keep online instead of on your smartphone or camera, you can save them in Evernote. The same goes with audio and text files that you create. When you upload data you can use the tagging function that will enable you to do an easy search for your files.

Inside Evernote I have a notebook called Business. This is where I put all of my business ideas that come to mind. The app on my smartphone gives me 24-hour access to my Evernote account. I use this app to organize product launches for the EAtoVA community. You can consider ways that you can Evernote to keep track of business opportunities, ideas and tasks.

Safeguard Client Details Continue Reading>>

Virtual Assistant

If I Were a New VA I’d Start Here

After being in business for 7 years, we have learned what it takes to grow a successful business. We had no idea when we started our first Virtual Assistance business that friends, family and associates would constantly ask the same question: “How did you do it?”

Every single day of the week, we have new members join our community and ask a sought-after question. That question is, “How do I get clients?” Follow along as I share some foundational work that you can copy and start to implement today.

If I were a new Virtual Assistant trying to grow a business, I would do the following:

  1. Assess my marketable skills – In the 17 years that I have been in the work force, I have developed many skills and a wealth of knowledge. People pay for the skills and talents that I use on a daily basis.
  2. Determine what problems my skills solve – Even as an administrative assistant, I solved problems for the people that I worked for. Who created all those spreadsheets and documents and booked all of those travel arrangements? Me, that’s who! If a company paid me for it then, someone will pay me for it as a VA.
  3. List the benefits that my clients will receive when I solve their problem – For a fact, I know that my clients will experience less stress and fewer headaches when I solve their problems. They will also be able to focus on income generating activities as I care for their administrative overwhelm.
  4. Find out who struggles with the problems that I solve – There are a lot of micro-business owners who need the skills that I have. I would reach out to my warm market, or the people who are in my personal network, to tell them about my business as a VA. I’d simply ask, ” Do you know people who are dealing with the problems that I solve?”
  5. Locate where those people ‘hang out’ – Here is where looking into associations and Meet-ups is helpful. I would definitely join a networking group such as BNI in order to expand my network and receive introductions to people who are looking for my services.
  6. Show up in those ‘hang out’ places – I would take action and show up offline and online where people who need me are spending their time.
  7. Help others to solve their problems – Being a valuable resource for others will make me stand out as a “go-to person” when people need help.
  8. Deepen the connections that I make with people – Staying in touch with people that I meet will keep me top of mind when they or something in their network is looking for the solutions that I provide.
  9. Exchange my solutions for fees at the appropriate time – The more connections I make with individuals, the more opportunities I’ll have to exchange my expertise for a fee. Potential clients are already looking for my services. I just need to show up as the solution at the right time.

This list is by no means comprehensive. The key to finding clients is becoming a problem solver in your industry. View prospective clients as people who are looking for solutions to their problems. View your business as THE Solution to their problems. As long as you continue to put yourself in a position to solve other people’s problems, you will always be in business.

Is running a business challenging? Of course! Going in to work for a company every day is also challenging at times. If you want to be successful in running your own Virtual Assistance company, you will need to become adept at the points listed above. Show up in a big way for the people who are already looking for your help. Serve them well and become a VA success story!


Start Your Virtual Assistant Business Part-Time

If you are currently employed with a company working as an Administrative Professional and are wondering how you are going to transition into your own home-based Virtual Assistant practice, the thought may have crossed your mind to start your business part-time. This likely led to a number of other questions, such as “How do I get started,” “How will I balance my job, family and business?” and “Can I really do this and be successful?”

The good news is that you can create a profitable business that you work in part-time. You and I both know of many individuals who have been able to maintain two or even three sources of employment simultaneously. It would be no different if you were to choose to start your Virtual Assistance practice while you maintain your current job.

There are a few things that you will need to consider if you are going to start a part-time Virtual Assistance business, such as:

  • What is my current situation? As with any endeavor in life, especially when there is a demand on your time and financial resources, it is imperative to consider your circumstances as they are and not how you want them to be. Ask yourself:
    • How much time do I have to devote to my business endeavor?
    • How much financial support can I dedicate?
    • How will my part-time Virtual Assistance business affect the time that I spend with my family?
    • Will my quality of life improve or suffer by taking on this challenge?

There are no right or wrong answers to these questions. The point is to honestly assess where you’re at and what needs to happen in order to make your endeavor successful.

  • Who will I serve in a part-time capacity? I’m asked all the time, “Will clients be interested in working with me if I’m only available part-time?” And the answer is Yes! Why is that? It is because when and how you work isn’t really their concern. Remember, they are looking for a solution to a problem, not a Virtual Assistant. Here is what you will need to do. 1) Focus the client relationship on solving their problems. 2) Be clear about your availability and meet the agreed upon deadlines. WHEN you actually do the work is a non-issue.We currently work with several Virtual Assistants. They each have different circumstances and different schedules. When they do their work for us is not something we worry or care about. Once a task is assigned, we just want it delivered on time and as we agreed. What this means for you is that you’ll want to focus on providing services that aren’t necessarily time sensitive (that have to be done during normal working hours). You do this by matching your skill set with what the client is looking for and then honoring your commitments.
  • How will I manage my time and clients? Time is our number one resource. We all enjoy the same portion of it each day. You, as a part-time VA, will have to determine how you will use your allotment of 24 hours. First, be mindful that you do not need to tell your clients that you only work part-time. Every day, you treat your employer as your biggest client, right?

When you enroll a client on a part-time basis, they only need to know that the agreement that the two of you made will be honored. Therefore, even in a part-time situation, make only commitments that you can keep. This means not over-committing yourself or making promises you can’t keep. Be honest about what you can do and you’ll quickly build a trust with your clients that will likely lead to more work and referrals to others in their network.

Is pursuing a part-time VA business the right goal for you? It can be if you honestly assess your current circumstances. Decide whether or not you have the time to commit to building your business. You also need to determine if you have the financial means to support your business. It is also important for you to be realistic in your commitments to clients.  Many are getting this accomplished. By reviewing the points mentioned in this article, you may be able to start a part-time Virtual Assistance business too!

Business Management

Read Your Way To Success

Think for a few minutes about the last book that you have read. How long has it been since you started or completed a book? Reading deeply and widely can help you tremendously in your Virtual Assistance business. Let’s take a look at several of the benefits that you can gain from picking up a book (or iPad or Nook or Kindle 😉

Reduce stress – By cracking open a book you allow yourself to disengage from what is going on in your life at that very moment. Of course this depends on your choice of reading material. Put this to the proof. If you need to relax, choose a reading topic that will take you to a place of serenity.

Increase vocabulary – Keep a pen and paper close by when you delve into your next book. You are likely to pick up a few new words of which definition you do not know. Avoid “thinking” that you know the meaning of a word. If you cannot readily define a word while at the same time provide a few synonyms and antonyms, then you do not have a good grasp and the word in this case is new.

Improve thinking ability – As a Virtual Assistant, you will face many business challenges. Reading widely and deeply can assist you with decision-making. You will begin to notice patterns in your business behavior that you may need to adjust, discard or adopt.

Broaden specialized knowledge – Would you like to improve your marketing skills? Maybe you need to develop some technical abilities. Choose any field of knowledge. If you choose to do so, through reading and application, you can become an expert on the topic.

Enhance writing skills – Good writers are good readers. If you have a blog or even desire to write a book some day, reading widely will build within you a wealth of knowledge on writing style, story-telling and content delivery.

Truly, the rewards that result from reading are endless. How many of the benefits listed above have you received from reading widely and deeply? Take note of other advantages that you have gained. Focus on how reading can help you establish and accomplish goals. It can empower you to overcome the most difficult mental blocks. When you open your mind through reading the experiences and ingenuity of other people, enriching your life and business is a guarantee.

Business Management

You Can Make Finding Clients Easy

Do you have enough clients? There are several ways for you to fill your business with ideal clients. However, if you do not have enough clients as you read this article, you haven’t found or implemented the steps to have a full practice.

One way that you can showcase your expertise to an audience who is waiting to hand you their credit cards is to follow the practical advice found here. So, keep reading if you want more clients to pay you to be their Virtual Assistant. Are you with me so far? Good!

Have you ever shot fish in a barrel? Not likely. But, that expression is a good way to look at finding clients. Do you want prospecting to be easier? Would you like for people who know you to be able to easily refer you business? Of course you do! Therefore, I won’t ask you any more silly questions because I know that you want to add more ideal clients to your business. Here is how you do it.

The demography of the clients you want in your business is crucial. Why? Demographics allow you to find oodles of ideal prospects in one place. It is similar to having a school of your favorite fish in a barrel. This is very simple. But, you must decide what group of people you want to serve. If you were to write out the demographics of the clients that you want to work with, what would that look like? The following questions will help you to figure this out.


  • What industry does your favorite clients work in?
  • Which professionals need your services? (i.e. interior designers, real estate agents, professional organizers etc.)
  • Where can you find these professionals in large groups?

When you decide to focus on serving a specific group of people in a specific industry, your clients win, you win, every one WINS! Why is this true? Think about this for a moment. If you identify yourself as one who specializes in solving specific problems for a specific group of people, your target market will stand up and say, “This is the Virtual Assistant that I need to help me grow my business!”

You should have clear-cut goals when it comes to marketing your business. One of those goals is to speak directly to the pain that your prospective clients are facing while demonstrating how to alleviate them of that pain. If you work with IT professionals and help them to manage their calendar, accounting and contacts, wouldn’t you want to find that specific group in droves? Of course!

It is imperative that you choose a target market so that you can locate many prospective clients at one time and show up as The Solution that they have been searching for. Marketing is simply a matter if putting your services in plain view of people who are already looking for you. I know you need more clients. Make the task of finding new clients easier on yourself by choosing a target market so that you can find ideal prospects en masse!

Mindset Social Media Technology

3 Ways To Go Deeper than A “LIKE”

The world of technology is bold, beautiful and downright fancy. We have entered an age of doing almost everything at the push of a button or at the click of a mouse (or track pad you Mac lovers). One of the dangers of technology is that it may be adversely affecting our ability to focus, share and think.

In our quick pace lifestyle, we have learned to stick and move with the newest technology available. However, we have more questions than ever before.

We have the ability to share information at lightning speed. However, we are missing out on making human connections.

We are capable of “Liking” things, without expressing the why behind it.

In this article, it is my goal to help you to slow down and think about what is important for you as a Virtual Assistant. Take time to think about why and how you are using social media. Are you willing to make a deeper connection with the people behind the avatar? When you read a blog post, an article or come across other things that you enjoy, make it your goal to develop a deeper relationship.

Here are three strategies that you can use to make a deeper connection than just clicking the “LIKE” button.

Give A Reason: There is a certain motivation that forces you to click the LIKE button. In order to make a deeper connection, share why you like the thing. Did you read a blog post that gave you a new idea to improve your business? That deserves a LIKE! Did a Facebook friend share new technology that may halve the effort you put into completing a task? LIKE! Whatever the motivation is, give a specific reason for the LIKE.

Ask Questions: If you see a video that is helpful to you and you decide to click the LIKE button, look for a comment box. Ask the presenter a question. This will create an engaging conversation. A few examples of questions you may ask are: What was your inspiration for making that video? How did you get such awesome lighting? When is your next video coming out? With questions, you can get into the mind of the author of the material that you enjoy.

Share Your Thoughts and Experiences: Your feelings, thoughts and experiences are so valuable to other LIKE’rs out there. Deepen your online relationships by sharing. The next time you read a fascinating article that is relevant to you, offer your experience and thoughts. Just as you have benefited from the content, the author will benefit from your heartfelt expressions.

The progression of technology is a wonderful boon to our modern lifestyle. Take time to think about why you want to hit the LIKE button. When you do so, add one of the strategies above in order to create deeper connections with the real people who are online. (Don’t forget to LIKE this blog post and tell me why :-))


3 Steps For Realizing Your Goals

You do not want to miss the mark of accomplishing your 2013 goals! How are you going to put yourself in the best position to realize your dreams? Think about the 5 most important goals that you want to accomplish this year. Are you having difficulty remembering what those goals are? If so, you don’t have any goals. I remember when I was a young athlete, I heard a quote that has motivated me up to this point, “Dreams are dreams until you write them down. Then they become goals.” I don’t remember whom to credit for those fine words, but they sure are helpful.

I recently read the results of a study that was conducted by Gail Matthews, Ph.D. She is a clinical psychologist who focuses on life transitions and overcoming barriers to success. Dr. Matthews discovered that a specific focus group on average accomplished 76% of their goals. How would your Virtual Assistance business benefit if you accomplished 76% of your goals? I know that you would see a marked improvement in your success as an entrepreneur. But, what did these individuals do who experienced such remarkable results? There were three things they did that I hope you will implement in your business.

  1. Their goals were written and rated. The rating included the following:
    • Level of difficulty
    • Level of importance
    • Level of skill and resources needed in order to accomplish the goal.
    • Level of commitment and motivation
  2. Their goals had written action commitments.
  3. They created an accountability system.

If you want to start or grow a successful Virtual Assistance company, you can realize your goals by implementing this same strategy. Here is how you can take action now.

  • Write out the goals that are important to your business and to your life.
  • Write out the action steps that will position you to complete those goals.
  • Create an accountability system by involving a friend or colleague who is willing to help you stay focused. Sharing a weekly progress report with them will give you the juice you need to keep pressing forward.

The process is really simple. However, the activity part may be where you need the most help. The thing that especially fascinated me about this study is that the suggestions are closely related to a goal setting formula that I have been using for years. You can take the information above and create your own system for accomplishing goals or you can just use mine. Email me at Wil@EAtoVA.com and I will send over your Goal Setting Formula.

January is now half over. In the snap of a finger, July will be knocking on your door. Are you ready to stop planning and start taking action on the objectives that you have set for your business? Do not allow another year to go by with you having unfulfilled dreams. Commit to yourself and to the process of setting goals and accomplishing them. By doing so, you will flourish as a Virtual Assistant.

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