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Business Management Mindset Virtual Assistant

Successful Thinking for Virtual Assistants

Do you find it hard to believe that you can create or accomplish anything that you want? I used to have that problem. When growing up, I was very shy. My shyness stemmed from feelings of inadequacy. I always thought, “I’m not good enough, smart enough, strong enough, fast enough…” etc.

What needed to change? Just a few things needed to change. The most important was the way that I viewed myself and what was possible in life. The same goes for you if you think that you cannot accomplish whatever you so desire. Therefore, I invite you to ask this very important question, “What is possible?” If you ask that question enough, you will find an endless supply of possibilities in any field of endeavor. My goal is to help you realize the possibilities for your Virtual Assistance business.

Your success starts with the way you think about yourself and what you can accomplish. I have 2 guarantees for you. 1) If you think you cannot succeed, you won’t. 2) If you believe you will be successful, you WILL.

Is it that easy? Think about it, for a moment. When a person says that they cannot do a thing, they immediately cancel out the ability to succeed. However, when an individual believes that he will succeed, he will stop at nothing to fully realize what he is after.

Having a successful mindset requires ongoing maintenance and reassurance. Here are a few thoughts that may be helpful to you in developing and maintaining a successful mindset:

“Success is stumbling from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm.” ~ Winston Churchill

“Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.” ~ Napoleon Hill

“Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved.” ~ Helen Keller

“In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure.” ~ Bill Cosby

You determine what success means for you. Your thinking will move you towards realizing that success. Will you be a successful Virtual Assistant?

Achieving Goals Business Management Marketing Networking Organization Virtual Assistant

FREE VA Success Strategy Calls

I have something very special and exciting for YOU! One of my favorite past times is to sit in a nice coffee shop, enjoy a nice brew and have good conversation with good friends. So, we have decided to do more of that in a virtual sort-of-way.

Over the past 7 years, Sydni and I have been working with entrepreneurs to help them build lucrative businesses. In the process we have started 4 different companies. One of them being EAtoVA.

You might be asking, “Wil, I thought you said that you had something for me?” And you are correct.

We are taking ALL of the knowledge that we’ve used to build our businesses and share it with you EVERY week. That’s exciting for a few specific reasons:

  1. We will get to know you by talking on the phone regularly.
  2. For 10 minutes I will share with you business-building strategies.
  3. For 20 minutes you will be able to ask questions and we can brainstorm business solutions for you.
  4. NO selling, NO pitches, NO tricks. We are having a friendly conversation and getting to learn more about one another.
  5. These calls will be FREE, forever! Isn’t that cool? I really look forward to getting on the phone with you.

CLICK HERE to accept the invitation

Every Tuesday, we’ll discuss a specific topic. Check out the line up for November:

  • Nov 06: How to develop a success mindset.
  • Nov 13: Skill sets prospective clients are looking for.
  • Nov 20: What technologies are successful VAs using?
  • Nov 27: Fixing holes in your business foundation.

These are just 4 of the MANY topics that you and I will be discussing. Don’t worry, if you cannot join us live, I will post the recordings here on the blog! We are going to have an awesome time each week!

CLICK HERE to accept the invitation

Achieving Goals Business Management Marketing Mindset Organization Skill Development Transition

5 Keys To Becoming A Successful Virtual Assistant

In 2009, there were 27.5 million businesses in the United States, according to Office of Advocacy estimates (per a report published in January 2011). What does that mean for you?

A) That number has only increased since 2009.
B) EVERY single one of those businesses needs some type of administrative support to function and be profitable.
C) There is more opportunity for you to be successful than ever before.

Since you have expressed an interest in becoming a Successful Virtual Assistant, I want to share with you all the tips, short cuts and resources that were not available to me when I first got started. I had to figure out on my own most of the things that I learned. I hope that you will utilize the tools that I give you so as to make your journey a LOT less stressful than mine turned out.

Fortunately, I kept track of every step I took, every mistake I made and everything that worked along the way. I didn’t have a real reason for doing so at the time, but I’m SO glad I did because now I can share them with you. When I look back I see that there are 5 critical keys you need to start and build a successful Virtual Assistance company:

1. Mindset: You may not realize it now, but to be successful as an entrepreneur, you have to THINK like an entrepreneur. As employees, we are conditioned to do what others tell us. Someone else typically decides our schedule, how much we get paid, who we work with and what projects we work on. When you become self-employed, YOU call all the shots. This is probably one of the things that is most attractive to you about the opportunity to be a Virtual Assistant. However, you must understand that you will have to go through some growing pains to make-over your mindset. You cannot operate your business they way you function as an employee. It simply won’t work. If you avoid working through this transition it could be the ONE thing that can make or break your business.

2. Infrastructure: What makes up the infrastructure of your company?  Here are a few things to consider: 1) Insurances – health, life, disability, dental etc. 2) Technology – computers, phones, an online presence etc.  3) Operations – you must have operational systems in place such as accounting, tax filing, setting up new customers, processes for working with customers, etc. 4) Structure – will you set up an LLC or a Sole Proprietorship?  5) Finances – it takes money to make money. Considering these important matters and making well-informed decisions about which situations will work best for you, will enable you to start and manage a successful company.

3. Marketing: Marketing your services and getting clients boils down to one thing, ‘Offering solutions to people who are already looking for them.’ You don’t have to “hawk your wares”, you don’t have to convince people to hire you and you don’t have to take any opportunity that comes along. Marketing at it’s best is simple, focused and consistent. Those who do not market their company tend to find themselves out of business very soon. The best thing that you can do for your business is to know how to generate leads and enroll new clients. You do not want to wait to figure this out. You can develop a marketing plan even before you have made your first dollar, taking advantage of the resources, relationships and opportunities already within your reach.

4. Transition: Having a PLAN around your transition from Executive Assistant to Virtual Assistant will help you to make the leap from employee to entrepreneur smoothly. Please do not quit your job and then ‘hope for the best’. That is NOT a plan that leads to success. You want to make sure that you have not only your infrastructure in tact, but also a step by step plan that has dates attached to keep you focused. This plan gives you time and space to make the transition. In your mind you may think you can “wave a wand” and make the changes you need to make overnight. But that is an unrealistic view. Mapping out a realistic plan will help you to make steady progress, avoid unnecessary stress and minimize wasted time and wasted money.

5. Building Your Business: When you work for someone else, that company does all of the heavy lifting for you as an employee. The company is responsible for building the business so that you will have a place to work each day. Now, YOU are responsible for whether you win or lose. Success or failure is 100% in YOUR hands! You, therefore, have to perform all of the needed tasks to REMAIN in business. This includes constantly upgrading your skill set, setting up systems, marketing consistently and more.

If you would like help with each of these 5 Keys, I invite you to join me for a FREE training call on Thursday, May 31st, entitled “How to Use the Skills You Already Have to Add An Additional $500 – $5,000 to Your Monthly Income…Working From Home”. Click HERE to get the dial-in details!

Achieving Goals Mindset Skill Development Virtual Assistant

Do You Want to Become a Successful VA?

You have been searching for some time haven’t you? There are many questions about the Virtual Assistance industry that you have been trying to answer. Can I really make a living from being Virtual Assistant? Will I be able to pay my bills? How will I find clients? What tools do I need in order to work from home?

Since 2008, we have been answering these questions for our EAtoVA.com community. I’m here to assure you that If I can do it, you can do it too! (Become a member of the EAtoVA family and see how I conquered the journey of going from Executive Assistant to Virtual Assistant. Simply enter your name and email address in the boxes at the top of this page to get INSTANT access to my FREE special report “The Liberated Executive Assistant – How to Break Free From The Corporate Grind and Become Your Own Boss!“)

I know it is your goal to become a successful Virtual Assistant. That is how you found our website and introduced yourself to us. I really want to serve you first by inspiring you to set and accomplish this goal. Additionally, over the next several weeks, I am going to personally walk you through the process creating and succeeding in your very own business.

Just to keep you in the loop of what is happening here at EAtoVA.com, I want to know that I am creating a new club for people like you who want to have full support in your journey of starting your own business. Within the next couple of weeks, you will be the first to receive this exclusive information. Here is what I need you to do in order to get that information.

Click here to sign up for notification about my new club. The word will not go out to everyone. That is why I need you to raise your hand and say, “Yes Sydni, I want more info about the club”. Take a moment to sign up and you’ll be among the first to know when I unveil this new training center. And be sure to tell your friends, family members and colleagues about this exciting opportunity!

Marketing Mindset

How to Eliminate Your Fear of Marketing and Get Results

Most VA’s start their business because they want more freedom, more flexibility, and more opportunity to utilize their skills to make a difference in the lives of others.  Those are great reasons to start a Virtual Assistant business!

Unfortunately, it often happens that once you start your business, you quickly realize that you are actually in the business of marketing. After all, you won’t have a sustainable business without clients. And to attract ideal clients you MUST market!

Concerned WomanARRRGGG! M-A-R-K-E-T….

For some Virtual Assistants, just hearing this word creates an instant frown. Perhaps you have thought, “I don’t want to market…. I just want to do my work!’”

I know that this thought has crossed your mind at one time or another, because when I was a VA it certainly crossed mine. When I first started my business as a Virtual Marketing Assistant, all I wanted was to work comfortably in my cozy little home office and for people to send me checks. It never really occurred to me that I’d have to actually get out there and sell my services…I just expected clients to show up knocking on my door.

Perhaps you can relate. Some VAs who have an aversion to marketing feel that way because to them, marketing represents something pushy, sales-y, and difficult. In the back of their mind their thinking “used car salesman” and that is not who they want to be.

I get it!

The good news is that marketing your VA business doesn’t have to feel that way, and you don’t have to be afraid of marketing. It can actually be … (gasp) FUN!

The thing is… marketing is simply a matter of sharing solutions in an appealing way with people who are already looking for them.

I’m going to say that one more time; marketing is simply a matter of sharing solutions in an appealing way with people who are already looking for them. So there is absolutely nothing to be afraid of. There are countless entrepreneurs who right now are desperate for help in running their business and in need of the exact services you offer. It’s effective marketing that will allow you to connect with these individuals, present your solutions and enroll them as your clients.

Following are a few proven tips to help you overcome the fear of marketing:

  1. Stop worrying about what other people think of you – You may be surprised to know, they really aren’t as concerned about you as you think they are. Instead of worrying about what they think, channel that energy into generously sharing your expertise with those who need your help.
  2. Get very clear about what it is you actually do for your clients.  Don’t label yourself as a Virtual Assistant.  Instead, focus on the benefits and results you create for your clients.  Doing so will make it much easier for you to talk about what you do (and make you much more attractive to ideal prospects)!
  3. Take action in spite of your fears!  Many times, we allow limiting beliefs, doubts, and fears to hold us back only to find out months (or even years) down the line that the very thing we were worried about – had absolutely no basis.  So, don’t stand in your own way and hold yourself back.   Take steps to move forward in consistently growing and marketing your business.  Highly successful entrepreneur Kevin Nations says, “Winners take imperfect action!”  Your efforts do not have to be perfect, but consistent action will take you a VERY long way.
  4. Reach out for support!  No one who is successful in life or business has done it on their own.  We all need a support system, a place to bounce ideas and get reassurance that “it’s going to be OK”.  Start surrounding yourself with individuals who believe in you and want you to succeed.  Hire a coach to help keep you accountable and to help you strategize.  Don’t be afraid to ask for help!

Internet MarketingRemember, marketing is simply a matter of sharing solutions in an appealing way with people who are already looking for them.  There are countless people right now looking for the very solutions you have to offer.  It’s your duty to share your expertise and service.  Allow marketing to be your vehicle to doing so!

Which of the strategies shared here will you implement in your business?  Share your thoughts and your plan here on my blog!

Achieving Goals

Achieving Your Goals in 2011

It’s a New Year!  Time for a fresh start and a new approach to succeeding as a Virtual Assistant. 

Whatever happened in 2010, whether you dragged your feet a bit in starting your VA business, struggled with a rocky foundation, or didn’t achieve some of the goals you set for yourself…let it go.  You can learn from past experiences and make the decision – now – to do things differently.

Consider what your version of a successful virtual assistant business in 2011 looks like. What exactly would you like to accomplish?  Have you set aside time to outline your plan for success?

I’ll share a secret with you.  One of the greatest contributing factors to my success, as a former VA and now as a business and marketing coach, has been my practice to regularly take stock of what’s working, and what’s not working, in my business.  Then, based on the facts in front of me, I establish reachable goals for myself, which forces me to make any needed adjustments and also enables me to measure my progress.

I encourage you to do the same. Analyze what did, and did not, work well for you last year. Take note of what you’d like to do differently in 2011. Once you are clear on where you’re at and where you’d like to be, then it’s time to start setting your goals.  Setting goals is a critical factor to your success as a Virtual Assistant because:

  • Setting goals gives you something specific to work towards
  • Working toward goals allows you to measure your progress
  • When you stay focused on your goals you will be more likely to say no to distractions that could delay your progress

To get started, imagine what your ideal business looks like.  Visualize your ideal clients; what they look like, the work you do for them, how you interact.  Consider how many hours per week you’ll work IN your business and ON your business?  What is your gross revenue each month, including a healthy profit margin?  How are you making a difference in your client’s lives?  As you clarify the vision for your business, you’ll be able to set your goals, which in turn, will help you bring that vision to life.

Why is this important?  Another key to success is to not set random, ambiguous goals, but to establish clear objectives that align with your personal vision of success.  You must work toward YOUR vision, not someone else’s.  Your vision has to be your own!

Setting and achieving your business goals will increase your confidence, improve the quality of the services you offer, and make you more attractive to prospective clients. When defining goals for your virtual assistant company, it’s important to keep a few things in mind:

  • Your goals must be specific.  Don’t say, “I want to make more mon.ey in my business” or “I need more clients”.  Be specific with your goals and select a number.  Define how much revenue you would like to generate and exactly how many clients you’d like to enroll in your practice.
  • Your goals must have a deadline.  Again, ambiguity won’t serve you here.  Set a specific date by which you plan to achieve the goal.  This way, you can easily break the goal down into manageable action steps that you then schedule and execute on a weekly basis.
  • Your goals must be reasonable.  You should stretch yourself a bit past your comfort zone so that you really have to step up your game to achieve the desired result.  Be careful not to set yourself up for frustration by setting a goal that is too high for you, right now.  For example, if you currently have zero clients, deciding you want to have 10 clients within the next 30 days may not be realistic.  But you could certainly attract 2 new clients within the next month.  Set goals that are a bit of a stretch, yet still attainable.

As you consider what you would like to accomplish, analyze the different aspects of your business which can bring your vision of business success to life – such as:

  • How many clients you have now – and exactly how many you’d like to have
  • What marketing strategies you pursue now – and those you would like to participate in
  • How you will consistently market your services – vs. what you are doing now
  • What services you offer now – vs. what your ideal client actually needs
  • How you can run your business more efficiently – vs. where you may be wasting time, energy, or financial resources
  • What type of support you have to continually grow your business– and what you need to put in place

Remember, it’s YOUR business.  Owning your goals and making them work for your situation is what will set you apart from other virtual assistants.  You will continue to stand out when you maintain your focus, because you will be actively accomplishing more in your business than VAs who are simply copying ideas from others. 

True success as an entrepreneur is based on making consistent progress, therefore, once you have accomplished a goal, set another reasonable goal, along with a deadline for achieving it.  This will keep you moving forward, preventing you from being left behind or overcome by the rest of the pack!

Share your goals for 2011 by commenting here on my blog.

Achieving Goals Mindset Organization

Overcome Two Common Challenges To Succeeding As A Virtual Assistant

Life is riddled with challenges. There are roadblocks to becoming a successful parent or spouse. There are certain difficulties that hinder strong friendships and family ties. There are challenges to remaining financially, emotionally, physically and spiritually healthy. Therefore, whether you have a job or run your own company, you will meet obstacles. The key that unlocks the door to personal success is knowing how to meet and defeat challenges. What might prevent you from attaining victory in your Virtual Assistant practice?

Overcoming Fear

What fears do you hold close to your heart? There are some fears that we tend to plant and cultivate. Fear is natural and normal to experience. It is a mechanism employed by the subconscious mind that attempts to keep us safe and out of harm’s way. This fear prevents us from making unwise decisions, but can also prevent us from embarking on new endeavors. That is why red flags and bells go off in our mind when we step outside of our comfort zone. That is why your palms get sweaty and you start to get the jitters when you reach the edge of your comfort zone.

This is the perfect time to host a conversation with your fear. Ask your fear, "What is the worst that can happen?" Ask too, "Why do you want to hold me back from trying this new endeavor?" (This is actually a conversation with yourself that acknowledges the fear you are experiencing). Fear is appropriate. That is why it is so important to engage it and analyze it. Efforts to suppress it are counterproductive.

What fears do you have with regards to running your very own successful virtual assistance company? Are you fearful that you may not acquire clients and have enough income? You might be concerned healthcare and retirement plans. You may have several fears that are trying to keep you "safe". This is good news! Acknowledge, analyze and confront every fear that you have. Start by writing them down. Then have a conversation with them one by one. This will allow your mind to open up to the many solutions that are available.

Defeat Overwhelm

One of your fears may be that of getting overwhelmed. You know that you are great at the work you do. That is why you desire to be in business for yourself. "But, there is so much responsibility and work that is involved in being an entrepreneur," you say. That is true!

What can prevent and/or rescue you from overwhelm? It is necessary to implement systems into your business. A system is a structured method to run every aspect of you business. If you have to re-invent the wheel every time you do filing, billing or even turning a prospect into a client, this will lead to overwhelm and discouragement. Let’s analyze the example of enrolling a new client. Do you have a system for transforming new contacts into prospects and prospects into paying clients?

Here is a simple method:

  1. Meet a new contact
  2. Conversation leads to business interest
  3. Collect contact information
  4. Contact is now a prospect
  5. Follow up with prospect (card or phone call)
  6. Schedule a business call
  7. Have prospect fill out an assessment form
  8. Prepare for business call using the assessment form
  9. Business call is progressing wellY
  10. ou decide you would like to work with prospect
  11. Move into sales conversation
  12. Prospect now becomes a client or a contact to follow up with later
  13. [here is where you complete the process for your new clients and former prospects]

After running your systems a few times it will become second nature. You should implement a system for every segment of your business so that your work can become BRAINLESS. This takes less energy defeats overwhelm and saves time. Which means you make AND save more mo.ney.  Write out each of your systems for quick future reference and you’ll find yourself making faster progress than ever before.

Overcoming fear and overwhelm is not necessarily easy. It is, rather, a process of becoming familiar with your way of thinking and performing.  And it requires a shift in your mindset.  If you want different results, you need to have different behavior.  We all are a work in progress. Wouldn’t you like to make your work a lot easier on yourself and become a successful Virtual Assistant?  You can do so by defeating fear and overwhelm.

Action Steps For This Week:

  1. Identify the fears that stump your business growth.Write down your fears and have a conversation with them.
  2. Pick two aspects of your business to create systems for and complete by next week.
  3. Share your fears and your systems by commenting on the blog.

Mindset Virtual Assistant

When to Say “NO” to a Prospective Client

Worried Young Business WomanInterviewing a potential client is more than just assessing their needs, business opportunities and strengths.  It’s much more about YOU and if the two of you can work well together.  Identifying a great potential client starts with the interview process.

But how do you know if the new potential client is "the one"?  How can you be sure that the relationship will go smoothly and you are a good fit?

Unfortunately, there’s no absolute way to determine this.  However, there are some warning signs you should look for to minimize disappointment and needless frustration

  1. Listen to your gut – As hard as it may seem to accept this advice, deep down you know it’s true.  You will have an immediate reaction to a potential client based on the tone of their email, the tone of their voice on the phone call, their questions, anecdotes and requests.  If you get a feeling in the pit of your stomach that working with this client will be difficult or messy don’t ignore it and take the opportunity now to walk away.  It can save you a lot of stress, frustration and time.  And you are really serving the client by leaving them free to find the perfect VA for them.  TRUST ME…If you ignore your feelings, it will come back to bite you…EVERY single time.
  2. Analyze your current clientele – Think about your current (or past) clients that you really enjoyed working with and even the ones you didn’t.  Taking the time to identify the traits you really like in a client, and the ones you don’t will go a long way in helping you identify your next ideal client.  That way you can compare a prospective client to those clients (or even employers) you’ve worked with in the past to see if the two of you working together make a great fit.  For example, if you love working with Harry and he has a great sense of humor, then that’s a quality you can look for in a prospective client.  Remember, working with your ideal client is about much more than just the work. It’s about the relationship and rapport you have with each other that makes it feel more like playing than working.
  3. Determine "red-flag" behaviors – it is absolutely OK to refuse to work with someone who exhibits behaviors you will not tolerate.  As a matter of fact, it’s more than OK, it’s your right as a business owner.  Take the time to identify these behaviors early so that you know what to watch for.  Is it someone who sees and treats you as a subordinate employee rather than a like-minded business owner on the same level?  Is it someone who speaks disrespectfully?  Or perhaps they try to negotiate your fee and tell you what your time is worth?  Whatever your "deal breakers" are, if you see them come up with a prospective client just say NO!  Do not put yourself in the position to compromise your standards or self-esteem to work with someone who doesn’t deserve to work with you. 

While you may think that saying "no" to a potential client can be challenging and difficult, think about it this way:  it’s much more difficult to end the business relationship when things don’t go smoothly.  Take the stance from the beginning and nip it in the bud before you even have to go down that road.   The money is not worth the stress and anxiety that can come from working with someone who isn’t a great fit for your business. Additionally, you will not enjoy your work and not put forth your best effort which undermines your professionalism for future clients.

What other warning signs do you look for when interviewing a potential client?  Please post your comments and experiences on the blog so we can continue this discussion! 

Networking Virtual Assistant

How to Create a Referral Based Virtual Assistant Practice

As a virtual assistant, you provide a high value to your clients because you solve their problems.  Whether you are a VA that specializes in social media, blog promotion, copywriting, website design or general administrative services, the bottom line is your clients need your help to accomplish specific goals in their business.  You have become a trusted part of their inner circle and they trust you with their business needs.

Sometimes a client will thank you for your hard work – either in a nice email, when you’re on the phone for a weekly update, or by sending you a thoughtful thank you card.  …But, there are special occasions when actions speak louder than words, and that’s when a client gives you a referral.

The trust and confidence a client has in you is conveyed by a powerful seal of approval in the form of a referral.  In general, people like to do business with other people they know, like and trust.  So when someone needs help, they typically go to someone they know, like and trust for their recommendation.

And that’s when the referral can happen.

Perhaps someone in your client’s network expresses a problem, challenge or a need and your client realizes that YOU provide the solution.  They share your name, contact information and glowing praise of how you’ve made a difference in their life.  The contact gets in touch with you; the two of you have a great conversation, decide to work together and voila! You have a new client!

To "secure" referrals like this there are three things you must do consistently:

  1. Be a great communicator:  Always keep your client informed about everything! When there are challenges, provide options for resolution, when things are good, find opportunities to celebrate.  Be honest in EVERYTHING (even when you make a mistake) and always work with the highest level of integrity.  This will create a trusting, powerful relationship between you and your clients.
  2. Have great follow-through:  Doing what you say you would do, when you said you would do it is a big deal.  Clients need to know they can trust you to get things done when you say you will. I can’t tell you how many entrepreneurs I know have complained about this.  No one expects you to be perfect and everyone understands that on occasion "life" happens.  But there is no excuse for you not to be dependable.  If you prove yourself reliable your clients will notice and they will refer you to others. 
  3. Go the extra mile:  Taking the time to really get to know your client and their business can go a long way in the solutions you can provide.  While you may not always be able to do everything for your client, you can recommend resources and other service providers to help them when they need it.  Becoming a trusted advisor helps build a foundation of trust and respect.

There’s one last thing you must do to get more referrals from current clients – and that is to thank them for a referral when they give it to you.  Make sure you are in the habit of acknowledging the referral to let your client know you truly appreciated their trust in you.  Otherwise, a client may assume you didn’t appreciate the referral or you don’t need the additional work.  In either case, that’s not the impression you want to make.

No one is perfect, and things don’t always go according to plan.  But maintaining professionalism and integrity are the cornerstones to your success and reputation.  By following these guidelines, you are on the right path to keeping the clients you have, and helping their friends and colleagues along the way.

Have you received a referral from a client recently?  How did it make you feel?  How did you thank the client for the referral? Post your comments here on the blog and tell me all about it!

Achieving Goals Mindset Virtual Assistant

Believe In Yourself… Or No One Else Will

Throughout the many Virtual Assistant communities that I belong to, I often see a LOT of untapped potential.  I see aspiring, new and even established VAs who have the potential to command top dollar for their work, to create businesses that truly give them the flexible schedule they crave and to ONLY work with clients who respect them and value their contributions.  I see this in them, but many times, they just can’t see it for themselves.

“WHY?” you may ask?

It’s because they don’t believe in themselves.  Perhaps they doubt their worth or don’t believe they can truly succeed.  Perhaps they are used to bosses, HR departments and companies that look down on them.  Perhaps they have limiting beliefs (i.e. "I can’t charge that much" or "I can never be as good as …) and just don’t see the abundance of opportunity that is available.

In the corporate world, Administrative Professionals are not often given the opportunity to create their own success.  When I was a corporate Executive Assistant I certainly did not have the opportunity to define my future, create my own path and make my career what I wanted it to be.

That’s the beauty of creating your own business, particularly in the Virtual Assistant industry.  You ONLY offer the services you want to offer.  You can charge whatever you want to charge.  You can work two days a week or five days a week.  You choose who you work with and who you don’t.

But to do this, one needs to COMPLETELY abandon the “employee” mentality.

Lesson 1 - image 3.jpgThat mindset shift starts with saying, “I can do this.  I can create my own success.  I deserve to be successful!  I will be successful!”  It starts with a choice.  Choosing to think differently and act differently than you have before.  It’s that simple.

Embracing the thought that you REALLY can create the business of your dreams, and that what you really want and what’s possible is within your reach will catapult you towards success faster than any tip, resource or strategy I will give you.

The sooner that you, as a Virtual Assistant, can wrap your head around that concept, embrace it and own it, the sooner you’ll see success and the faster you’re going to achieve it.

It is especially important to get your mind wrapped around this at the very beginning of your entrepreneurial journey (or if you have decided it’s time to upgrade your business).  You can’t set a precedent for letting your clients dictate how you run your business.  You can’t second guess your decisions.  You can’t run your business for the benefit of your clients.  If you are going to be a successful business owner–over the long haul you have to make decisions and stand behind them.  You have to determine what your standards are and how you’re going to set up your business.  And you can’t let ANYONE, especially a client undermine your boundaries and make you second guess them.  Otherwise you might as well go back to get a regular job.

I implore you to approach your business from a place of confidence.  Present a confident stance with your tone, voice, presence, marketing materials and website.  Be proud of your decision to ditch the corporate rat race and take ownership of your career.

I believe in you!  I believe that you have the talent, tenacity and drive to be a fabulously successful VA!  But, that’s not enough.

You have to believe in YOU too.  Because if you don’t, no one else will.

Share your thoughts and comments with me by posting a comment here on the blog!

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